005. The municipal bureau

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"Do you have any place to go? If you want anything, you can ask me."

After this short trip, he didn't act very conservative in talking to Sam, so he never hesitated, saying, "I want to go to the municipal office, I have some things I want to finish first, so I want to know the way there."

Sam stopped the carriage, and directed Shiro to the way, "Well, the municipal office is in that direction. You have to go straight from here until you reach the crossroads, then you will find a signboard pointing to the exact location. Unfortunately, I have a different road from here, otherwise I would have brought you there."

"No... Uncle Sam. What did you do to me, I will never forget it. I hope we will meet again in the future in a better situation."

"Of course, if you stay in the city, this is very likely to happen. Also, if you want any help, you can find me in the Amber Neighborhood. You are welcome at any time."

Shiro took his baggage in his hand, and set out towards the direction that Sam directed him after thanking him for his great help.

The sidewalk he took was full of various shops and a lot of people here and there, between screaming and shooting, a lot of murmurs and the sounds of carts and horses filled the place, most of the transportation in the city is carts that are pulled by horses but there are also a few cars that work by energy capsules But it seems that its spread here is still very limited.

Also, what distinguishes the residents of Kalamar city, or rather, all the inhabitants of Lockedonia Continent, is that it is very normal to have differences between people in between them, such as skin color, hair and eyes, and so it is very natural to see people with green or blue hair, you may find some with strange little eyes and a lot of other differences.

This is due to a long time in the past, in the beginning there were not many differences, but with the emergence of practitioners and due to what is required to become a practitioner, such differences have begun to emerge, especially since when the practitioner transmits his genes to his children, he thus transmits such differences and over the years it turned to what it is today.

Not long before, Shiro arrived at the intersection, where he found a signboard pointing to the municipal bureau, by following the direction, he arrived at his destination, the buildings of the polity are usually completely white with black lines in their boundary and what Shiro found is exactly the same, the front gate was open and there were some guards in the place whose job was to observe.

Shiro approached and asked one of them, "Excuse me Sir, where can I find the identity renewal office."

"Over there."

With glances filled with boredom, the guard pointed toward one of the open doors with his hand, then returned to what he was doing.

Shiro entered the office, despite his appearance somewhat similar to the beggars, but the state buildings are open to all and there is no need to worry about it. At first, he thought he would find people inside, but to his surprise there is nothing inside, all he can see is a second closed-door that leads inside, a wooden desk in the middle of the room that has a lot of different papers and tools, some papers are scattered in the ground here and there. A large open closet with a lot of folders on the side and there are many chairs spread out in the office. Seeing such a messy thing took him by surprise and made him stiffen in place not knowing what to do.

'Indeed, anywhere in the world you will always find people who neglect their tasks.' Shiro thought to himself when seeing the messy place. Then he decided to wait a little while until someone came to serve him.


Suddenly, the interior door opened with boom, with a strong cry that filled the place. An adult woman came running while she was looking behind her terrified, causing her to clash with Shiro hardly as he was standing in the middle of the room perplexed. Fortunately, he was vigilant, which made him act quickly so that he would not fall together with the woman on the floor.


Shiro looked towards the inner door, but did not see any mouse there instead he found a terrified brown cat jumping in the place while meowing, he walked some steps towards the door to check then the hint of the mouse, which seems to be attacking the cat at first glance, while in fact it was trying to escape as well.

Shiro didn't know whether to laugh or cry at such a scene.

First, he reassured the staff saying, "Don't worry, miss. It's just an ordinary mouse."

Looking frightened while standing over the desk, the employee asked, "Really? Are you sure it's not a mutant monster?"

"Certainly not. We are in the middle of the city now. How can it get here if it was a mutated monster?"

After that and with fast movement he entered the door and caught the mouse from its tail and hung it in the air, then walked outside and threw it away from the building under one of the trees spread in the area, when he returned he found the employee had finally calmed down, after seeing what had happened, and she started to arrange the place.

"Thank you for helping me, that mouse scared me to death and made me look miserable way. I'm really sorry."

She apologized for what had happened, while still doing her work without stopping. From her appearance, she looks like a young woman, perhaps in her late twenties, wearing a formal befitting of the workplace and there is a badge hanging, written on it The Registry Employee Mrs. Sally, and within moments everything returned completely arranged.

"It's okay, it's good to be wary, who knows what a person might come across in the future."

In this world it is not strange that you meet mutant animals, even if they are at the size of a small rodent, because it can turn into a big problem for ordinary people, and seeing the reaction of the employee in that case is the best evidence of the extent of the damage that the mutant monsters might do.

Only what baffled Shiro why didn't anyone come to help with all that hype?

"Well, since everything is fine now, can I help you with anything, Young man?"

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