Chapter 1, The Plan,

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A/N: Have a picture of my younger brother.

Mentions of:
-Highschool Au

-Eddworld & Sanders Sides Crossover

-Broken bones

-Transgender Janus (MtF)



Break the rules, a broken nose..

Legs dangled over the edge of the roof, flicking the edges of the cigarettes and well.. cigar as they let the smoke rise with each puff, knuckles bruised and knees bloody, gazes watching the world below.

Shouts, screams..  the world was slowly being shut down around them as they climbed down, Janus's shoulder being nudged by Remus as the two shared a soft smile, throwing and stomping out their cigarettes as they set foot on the ground.

Tord and Tom being close behind as Tom took a sip from his flask as Tord chuckled, leaving his cigar between his cracked lips as they dropped their skateboards to the floor, letting the wheels roll as the four made their way out of the school grounds.

They knew the rules by now, stay quiet or join in the riot..

A police car sped by as they all quickly hid behind the school wall. "Quiet- shh.." Tord spat out as they fell silent, waiting for the sign, as Roman soon waved them over from across the road as they sped over, skateboards tucked under their arms.

"Come on!"

They didn't need to be asked twice as they followed behind him as they made their way through the alleyways before finding their way to the back of the closest shop as Virgil jumped down from the roof, Matt following as they smiled.
"Coast is clear, Matt shut down the cameras and Logan and Patton are waiting to cause a distraction, Edd is waiting in the van."
Virgil mumbled as Janus smiled nodding lightly as she shared a glance with Tord as they spared a small wave before walking into the shop, pulling up their face masks and hoods.

"When you're ready Remus."

The boy nodded, getting ready to run in to his girlfriend, Janus, as he smiled, happily leaning against the side of the brick wall. "You got it Emo, give it five minutes, and they'll be set up perfectly."

Once the said time had passed Remus walked out to the front of the shop, clearing his voice before running in, Janus catching his eye as she smiled, quickly escaping as Remus ran over to the cashier as he started off his usual "performance" of sorts, using the excuse that he was mugged in the alleyway, his black eye and fresh injuries making it more believable.

Tord took his chance for while the employee was busy to steal some of the alcohol and stuff it in his backpack while he had the chance as well as some food and snacks before escaping as soon as he could, climbing into the van and placing his bag down as he took a puff of his cigar.

"Damn.. the rush just gets better every time-"

"You get the shit?" Tom muttered, slumping in the chair across from him as the Norwegian sighed, nodding as he threw a bottle of smirnoff his way, the void eyed male catching it as he smiled faintly. "Thanks Commie."
Tord just rolled his eyes getting elbowed by Matt as he sighed, muttering disinterested. "Whatever, Jehovah."

The sound of the doors being pulled open was heard as Virgil climbed in, Roman at his side as they sat in their seats. "Remus will be here soon, got the directions to the nearest hospital, Janus,you okay with spending god knows how long in there with him? Y'know, the whole broken nose situation?"
The only girl in the group nodded softly, smiling lightly as she glanced over.
"Yeah no problem, that's perfectly fine, I don't mind that."
The emo sniggered, playfully mumbled in response. "Ew- hetero,"
Roman only nudged him in return, causing them to share a smile.
"Oh hush my dark prince-"

"Ding dong, the bitch is back!"

Remus burst in, shutting the doors with a bang behind him as the last member of the gang arrived, Logan and Patton already sat in the back of the Van, each looking over at a laptop, seemingly ignoring everything around them though sharing a beer as they took turns to take gulps of the rich liquid.
"Hospital, Edd- few blocks away, I'll give you the directions."
Remus climbed into the passengers seat as he gave him the directions, the vehicle roaring as it came to life as they sped away.

"Does this count as vandalism?" Patton mumbled softly as he glanced over at the others, excluding Janus and Remus who were at the hospital, as they slowly painted the walls of the unfinished house on the edge of town

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"Does this count as vandalism?" Patton mumbled softly as he glanced over at the others, excluding Janus and Remus who were at the hospital, as they slowly painted the walls of the unfinished house on the edge of town.

"I sure as hell fucking hope so."
Tom mumbled as Tord agreed, the two seemingly working on the far wall together, it being a first that they weren't actually fighting or threatening to kill each other. The void eyes male spreading the off white paint over the cleaned wall as Tord sighed, slowly painting the skirting boards an ash colour.

"Why are you all so adamant on creating vandalism..?" Logan mumbled, glancing up as he slowly worked on fixing in a new carpet, Patton at his side as he helped.

"We hate society-"

"Fair point.."

That's all he needed in return as he slowly applied the fluffy light grey carpet, Matt glancing up from working on the wiring of cables, managing to fix the last of the energy supply in the house with Virgil's help.
"Society hates us.. so what's the problem..? If the world hates us, it doesn't matter that we hate it ourselves.."

"Mhm! Like if the world turns it's back on us we turn our backs on the world-!" Patton perked up as Logan groaned softly in annoyance.
"Did.. did you just quote Lion King?"
The smaller happily nodded, giggling innocently. "You know it!"
Edd hummed faintly, slowly placing the newly stolen goods into the fridge, being thankful it actually worked as well as placing the food away in the cupboards. Soon leaning against the counter as he had cleaned it up earlier.
"First floor is nearly finished.."

"Only took us two years.." Tord mumbled sarcastically as he rolled his eyes, soon finishing the half of the wall he had been working on as he stretched, yawning softly.
"Well yeah.. took us ages to get our hands on the right furniture and ability to get the paint, protective sheets for the floor and what not.."

"I was being sarcastic-"

"I know commie, I know.."

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