Chapter 3!

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We get to the arcade. I see a bunch of retro games there.

"Woah. This place is cool."

"Sure is! I'll show you how to play this one game I really like!" Kirishima grabs my arm and drags me off.

Now I see why they're his best friends. They're all great.

We get to and arcade game and he puts some money in. He starts playing the game and he's really great at it.

"Wow Kirishima. You're a pro at this."

He dies on purpose for I can try.

"Here. The game is pretty basic. You just move like this,"he places my hand on the joystick.

"Then you use these buttons to do the other things." He moves my hand to the buttons.

"And now you try."

I nod and start playing. I move all across the stages

"Am I doing good Kirishima?"

"Good?! You're doing great for your first try!"

This wasn't my first try. We're playing Donkey Kong. Awe poor Kirishima. He didn't know that it was in America.

I continue going, having only one life left. I'm about to finish but Kaminari bumped into me, making my hand go the wrong way and making me die.

"I-I was-"

"I'm so sorry Y/N! I didn't mean to!"

I slam my hand down onto the arcade machine.

"There is a five distance between me and the wall! You had room!"


"Just leave it! I have to go meet up with my dad."

"Where to?"

"None of your business!" I run outside the arcade and back to my grandmother's house. I enter inside and see no sign of them.

"Dad? Grandma?" I walk around the house.

"Nothing...but grandma's car is outside..."

I get worried. I run to Kaminari's house and ask them if they knew. They said no.

I get even more worried. I go run to the cemetery. Nothing.


I quickly run to the police station and tell them my situation. They ask if I have their contacts. I said yes but I can't call them because their phones are at home.

They tell me to go live with someone I know. I think of options and go to Kaminari's house. I tell his parents my situation.

"So I'll just live in my Grandm-"

"Oh god no. We're not letting you go back."

"But I don't want to be a bo-"

"You won't be! You can sleep in Kaminari's room!"

"I can't. I'll just sleep over there and come here for the mornings and rest of the day. "


"That's sounds great to me! Goodbye!" I quickly run out and to the house. I lock the doors and run to my room. I go on my laptop to watch something.

A few hours past when I get a text from Kaminari.

Pika: Hey, you up?

You: Yeah. You know I would be.

Pika: Yeah, you're right So how was your day?

You: It was okay. I'm on a small vacation.

Pika: Really? Where are you?! Send me pictures!

"Shoot. Now I have to fake this stuff."

You: I'm in Canada.

"Canada? Why would I pick Canada?"
(No hate to the Canadians out there!)

Pika: Canada? Is there snow?

"Would there be snow at this time of year..?"

You: I'm not sure yet. We're driving there.

Pika: ...Pika is typing...

I wait.

Pika: ...Pika is typing...

More waiting.


Pika: Really? You're driving from (hometown) to Canada? SEND. ME. PICTURES. OF. AMERICA! Send me of one you driving. No! A video!

"Why did it take so long to type that?"

You: i... can't. My camera doesn't work. I broke it.

Pika: Use your dads.

You: He won't let me.

Pika: Are you just scared to show your identity? What? Are you and fifty year old pedo or something?

You: No! Of course not! I'm...just...uh...I have to go! Bye!

Pika: But we didn't get to play!!! Awe...

Met by a stupid game. (Denki Kaminari x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now