🌟 Positions 🌟

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Here are the positions available for the upcoming members of the community ...

Silvery Admin/Manager
These roles will not be put up in a form but will be allotted to the members according to their performance in the community!

Argenta Graphic designers
These members are our Graphic makers who make banners, stickers, aesthetics, covers and many more.

Argyros Judges
They are the members who will judge the books in the upcoming awards that will be hosted by us.

Arcene Prompt writers
These members will be in charge of writing the weekly prompts for the prompt book and further contests.

Arainell Interviewers
These are the members who will interview various wattpaders who want to be interviewed on any topic they wish to.

Arian Promoters
These are the members who will promote our community in other servers, on social media and other places.

Arjean Reviewers
These are the members who will read the books of wattpaders and give honest reviews on it.

Argint Editors
These are the members who will help us with editing our books, writing descriptions and also edit other's books too.

Community Helpliners
These members are our helpliners or volunteers who will help us in the time where no one else are willing to perform a specific task.

Silver Writers
These members help us in writing the content for the community books. We're currently hiring more writers.

So, dear wattpaders, now you have read the positions we are looking for our community .. Hope you join us very soon by filling up the form in the next chapter!

🌙 Hiring! 🌙Where stories live. Discover now