The Touch Of Your Love

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You were a technical analyst for the FBI. Whilst you helped out various departments in the Bureau, more often than not, you would assist the BAU. Garcia was excellent at her job, but sometimes when things got tough, she would ask for your help.

You'd been with the FBI for just over a year when Spencer Reid had asked you out. To say it was a shock was quite frankly an understatement. When you'd first helped the BAU, he'd been the most distant of the team. You and Penelope had gotten on like a house on fire. Which had led to her dragging you along to girls night with JJ and Emily. Rossi and Hotch had both shown you kindness, and had seemed to be exceedingly impressed with your skills. Derek had made you laugh, and in return you would casually flirt with him, after some guidance from Penelope.

All in all, you'd gotten on well with the serial killer catching team, just not including Doctor Reid. It had seemed like he didn't like you; he'd avoided you whenever possible. He had never called you for help, had always turned to Garcia. It had been a little confusing, you'd assumed he disliked your personality.

But it had turned out that he'd simply been attracted to you, and had not handled it well.

When he'd asked you on a date, you had said yes without hesitation. You'd been attracted to him since the moment you'd met him.

Your first date had been surprisingly smooth. You'd expected awkwardness from him, but it seemed that knowing you also liked him had allowed him to relax around you.

One date turned into two, then three, and after a couple months you were confident in the knowledge that Spencer Reid was your boyfriend.

Spencer made an amazing boyfriend. He was beyond thoughtful, and would constantly put your happiness before anything else. Falling in love with him had been stupidly easy. Being with him made you beyond happy, and it had felt like your life was perfect. You were in love with a wonderful man, and things were going amazing.

Then, all of a sudden, everything fell apart.


Spencer going to prison was like a nightmare made real. Your sweet boyfriend didn't deserve such an awful fate. He was too soft hearted for prison, and you were afraid that he wouldn't come back the same person.

After 84 sleepless nights, he finally returned home to you. You and the team had been waiting for him. When he walked out, your heart suddenly felt 10 pounds lighter. He was battered and bruised, but he was alive, and it felt like a god damn miracle. You stood back and drank in the sight of him, watching as he hugged his team mates. When Penelope finally let go of him, he straightened up and looked directly at you.

The simple manner of eye contact made you tear up. You truly couldn't believe he was back in the outside world; free from confinement.

Spencer rushed towards you and swept you into his arms. You sagged in relief, it was like you were home. He smelt the same, thank god. It was a distinctly clean smell, the smell of your boyfriend. You breathed in deeply, as you clung to him.

He pulled away from you, but only slightly. He looked into your eyes and whispered. "I can't believe you're really here."

Before you could respond he cupped your face in his hands and kissed you deeply. The kiss was full of longing and passion, and made you blush slightly.

It was a little shocking to you. Spencer was never one for public displays of affection. The two of you were co workers, and Spencer was a private person. So most affection he showed you was behind closed doors, away from prying eyes. You assumed it was because he'd missed you, it wouldn't be something he'd do again.

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