Fever Dream High

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Sleeping with your co worker wasn't a good idea, but it didn't stop you from doing it.

You'd resisted Spencer Reid for as long as you physically could, but on one ordinary Wednesday evening, you gave in.

The two of you had worked together for over a year, and the sexual tension had been undeniable. The rest of the team had obviously noticed it, and had teased you both mercilessly.

Since your first day on the team, you and the young Doctor had struck up an easy friendship. You'd been the only one to actively enjoy his ramblings about obscure topics. You were a little on the ditzy side, but Spencer seemed to be fond of your scatterbrain tendencies. Whilst you were excellent at solving cases, the paperwork side of the job wasn't something you'd ever been good at. Your desk was a complete disaster, but luckily for you, Spencer was patient, and often offered to help you stay organised.

He'd slowly worked his way into your heart, and had become your best friend. But more often than not, you thought about him in a romantic way. It was hard not to, he was certainly boyfriend material. He was sweet, insanely intelligent, and of course it didn't hurt how attractive he was.

You've often considered telling Spencer you wanted more, but you were afraid of how it would affect your dynamic at work. Whilst relationships with co workers weren't forbidden, they were definitely discouraged, and you understood why. The job was hard enough without having a significant other in the field.

Still, this knowledge didn't stop you from crushing on your best friend. And one night, you reached breaking point.

At least once a week, you and Spencer got together to watch episodes of Doctor Who together. Some nights, after a particularly difficult case, neither of you would speak. Instead, the two of you would sit in comfortable silence, your head rested on his shoulder, his arm slung over your shoulder. His company was calming, and helped you deal with the how emotionally draining your job could be.

The night things changed between the two of you was a different kind of night. The past week had been filled with paperwork, and the two of you had desperately needed to unwind. You'd shown up to Spencer's with his favourite takeaway, and your favourite wine.

Spencer didn't always drink, but on that night he'd chosen to indulge. Together, the two of you had made your way through three bottles of wine. Both of you had a fairly high tolerance, but the drinks still left you both feeling tipsy.

"You wanna hear a joke?." He'd asked, a dopey grin on his face.


"Ok. Why can't you trust atoms.?"

"I don't know Spencer, why can't you trust atoms?."

"Because they make up everything!." He had practically shouted, with a proud smile on his face.

You'd burst out laughing, it wasn't a funny joke, but it was so bad, that it was almost good. You really did love your friends jokes, which were always nerdy, and very corny.

When your giggle fit had ended, you'd looked up to see Spencer staring at you. The two of you had been sitting closer than was probably appropriate for two friends. As the night had gone on, you'd gotten more and more tangled up with each other.

Spencer had reached out, and gently brushed a loose strand of hair from your face. "You're pretty, you know that right? Like, stupidly pretty, unbelievably pretty. And you're nice. Too nice. Sometimes I wonder if you're even real." His voice had been soft, but slurred from the wine.

"I'm real Spence." You'd whispered back, edging closer towards him.

You'd known that no matter how much he might want to, he'd never make the first move. So you'd taken a deep breath, and closed the gap between your lips.

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