The one that got away

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After the Christmas holidays, Alina's sad feelings had mostly perished and been replaced by a gruesome hostility towards Jack. Whenever they passed each other in school, she just turned the other cheek or ignored him completely. When they were forced to talk, she was sarcastic and condescending.

Shocked by Alina's sudden change, Jack wasn't prepared on how to act. He found it difficult to talk to her and her newly found hostility wasn't helping at all. Her style had changed too. What had been sweet and innocent, had become more edgy but never revealing. She wore her hair up in a high slightly sideways ponytail. It looked cute but also daring. He wasn't sure how to approach her. And whenever he tried, he was cut off by Brandon, who had started to openly pursue her. It was killing Jack to watch another man chase after his girl. He had expected them to get together right away but that hadn't happened, which was part of the reason why it hurt so extra bad sometimes. He had started to regret his rash decision concerning the breakup...

One day, he accidentally passed Alina and Brandon who were chatting about who knows what. He noticed Alina's lingering eyes. She kept glancing at him but at the same time she ignored him. It was killing him.

"Still chasing the one that got away?" Skye asked in a sweet tone. She clearly didn't want him to get back together with Alina, but she wasn't too thrilled about seeing him so bumped all the time.

"How I change someone I let go?" he replied.

Skye noticed the sad tone in his voice. Then she noticed how Alina had been paying more attention to them since she arrived. She was jealous? Of course. Jack had been the one to end the relationship. Even though he regretted it, Alina couldn't kill her pride to take him back. Yet, they were still hurting. Skye smiled. "I guess there's some truth to that. Why don't you just forget about her then? You did end things. Why not move on then? She clearly has," she said nudging Jack to cut ties with Alina for good. If she believed that he had meant every cruel word from the breakup, then she wouldn't keep her hope up.

Jack stared at Skye. "Forget her? How can I do that? I should never have let her go," he said, longing for the sweet days they had spent together. It seemed a long time ago now.

Alina wasn't doing as well as she'd like to pretend whenever Jack was there to watch. She found Brandon's persistence annoying, but by telling him off she'd admit defeat to Jack. Therefore, she tolerated Brandon for a while. She also noticed how Jack didn't reject Skye as much as he used to. Instead, he had longer conversations with her. Always when she was there to watch. Was it to prove that he really was over her? Or was it all Skye's doing? Alina couldn't tell. She just got more and more frustrated thinking about it.

While the broken lovebirds were having quandaries in finding their way around one another, Peter had made the bold choice of telling Sheila about his encounter with Britney. As one would have expected of Sheila, she wasn't too thrilled about it. Actually, she decided to settle things with Britney once and for all by cornering her one day after class. She stopped her in an empty hall.

"Hey Britney!" Sheila yelled to get her attention.

Britney turned around with a sugary smile on her face. "Peter's girlfriend. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Sheila hated her by heart. "I hear you're trying to make a move on my man, but that couldn't be true, could it?" Sheila said in her most disgustingly sweet voice.

Britney got startled. This she hadn't expected. "What would happen if it were true?" she asked hesitantly.

"I'd tell you... to stay away from Peter and don't you dare come close to him again or else the next conversation sure as hell won't be pretty. Might even get violent because I ain't going anywhere," Sheila said in a low intimidating voice.

Britney stared at her. "Alright, alright. I'll stay away then. Just keep your psycho away from me," she said with her hands above her head while walking away.

"Sweet but psycho, huh? Was that really necessary?" Alina asked leaned against the wall.

Sheila jumped. She hadn't seen her coming. She wasn't used to this silent and conspiring Alina. One who thought about every move before making it, instead of just speaking her mind.

"Psycho? Necessary?! Of course it was! She was moving in on my man. I couldn't allow that. Not like you're doing with Jack and Skye," Sheila replied. She knew it was a mean comment, but something had to be done to wake Alina up.

"I'm not with Jack. I couldn't care less about what he's doing," Alina said stiffly. Little did she know, Jack was listening around the corner. He was hurt by her hard words...

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