Next day (2creative4u)

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yay! next day. I didn't get much sleep last night so i might be late today. i got up had cherriobix for breakfeast and then i went. I seen Jenny driving up the road as i walked. I ran up to her when she stopped at the traffic lights. She seemed very happy to see me. She told me to get into the car , and i did so . Once i got in she turned back, winked and she said "no school today lee," . We went to Mc Kfc for something to eat. We talked for a while and we finished our food. We got very bored after that. we went to throw some youghurts at the local senior citizens home. it was very fun. 

Then we decided to go to the movies. we seen 50 shades of grey , i'd say our faveorite part was the part with the ropes. I dont know why we enjoyed that one so much but i did.But in the middle of the movie my Naked got stuck in my yoghurt and i got very annoyed so i threw it at some people. we were kicked out for some stupid reason a bit after that. but its OK i wrote a bad review for it on a review site and i complained on facebook.

I told jenny it was past my bedtime so i had to go home. im going to go to sleep now


um hi lol. i overheard hat man talking about wattpad in the local concentration a bit worried but ahh well. ill start writing a bit more but it will be random

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