Heavy Cover

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The two boys cackled, laying next to the bonfire while looking at each other.

Snufkins cheeks were red and his eyes squinting as he laughed. It was a lovely sight.

"You are absolutely gorgeous, Snufkin" Moomintroll mumbled, completely caught up by the moment.

Snufkin clutched onto his hat and pulled it over his face to cover it.

"Ah, thank you. You are quite good looking yourself"

Moomintroll grew red and shook his head, uncovering the mumriks face.

"N-No, I am being serious. You are gorgeous, Snufkin"

The silence took over as Snufkin kept looking at his good old friend.
With a somewhat serious tone, he mumbled



"I think you are awfully good looking yourself"

"Awh, Snufkin. That's so sweet-"


The tiny, passive-aggressive gremlin screeched as she climbed out of Snufkins bag.

"Little My?"

Both fellows mumbled, more irritated than shocked.

"Look, we are busy right now but-"

"Busy? Busy my boot! The two of you are out in the woods all by yourselves. I know what you are planning"

Moomin shook his head in a rapid fashion.

"So you get to determine what I do, Since when?" Snufkin crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"Well, officially when you were born! You're my little brother!"

Moomin wheezed, hiding his face in Snufkins coat.


"Don't you think that you are smaller than Snufkin?"

"Which means you're my little sister"
The two youngsters nodded in agreement and Little My walked off, angry, as usual.

"You're a lifesaver, Moomintroll"
"Ah, no need to thank me" The marshmallow glanced off with a smug look.

The pleasant boy parked his paws on Moomins chest and he didn't protest.
Snufkin leaned in and so did Moomintroll, mashing their snouts together.

The troll hardly had the time to react before it was over.

"Ah, it's getting late. Perhaps we should get some rest"

"Yeah. Should we put out the fire?"

"Don't worry about it. It's almost out anyway"

The two of them then squirmed into Snufkins tent and fell asleep together. The final thing the boys listened to before drifting off was the fire crackle.

~ Time Skip ~

A Worried Muddler came running through the forest along with Sniff. The two of them shortly saw Snufkins tent, realizing they had found the right person for the job.

"Snufkin! We need your help!"
The two lovebirds inside of the relatively small tent groaned tiredly, snuggling each other close as they continued to sleep.

"Snufkin, come on now. We truly need your help!"
Moomin whimpered, coating his head with a pillow.
"m-mn, could you ask them to leave?"

Snufkin, who was resting half-naked rubbed his eyes and twirled out of the sheet the both of the lovers shared.
He peeked his head out of the tent with his father's sleepy gazes.


"Oh, did we disturb you?"

"Yes. Please, get to the point before I whoop you and your dad's a-"

"Easy, easy! You see, we have a huge beetle problem"

Snufkin sighed loudly.

"Again? I thought I cured that last Spring. I keep warning you, It's the food laying around"

"It used to be that dilemma, yes. Now, however, it's not only in the kitchen. The house is filled with them! Some are larger than Little My!"

"Huff. You shouldn't leave food around"

The Muddler nodded!

"I'll only eat outdoors from now on but please, I'll do anything. I can pay you!"

Snufkin sough again, shaking his head.

"I don't want your currency. I'll be there later, I foremost gotta get some more sleep"

"Oh thank you, Snufkin! You truly are a blessing" With that, the mumrik closed the entrance and went back to the warm bed.

Moomintroll wrapped his arms around Snufkin, sharing the warmth with him.
"Who was it?"
"Sh, I'll tell you later. Let's go back to sleep"
The mumrik encircled his tail around Moomintrolls, holding him near.

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