Bon - I miss you

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Ryuji and you had been together for a year now, and you truly loved him but lately its been quite hard for you.
Since he had become the apprentice of the arc knight Lewin Light he rarely had any time for you.

The only time you would see him was at cram school where he was busy studying and would never talk to you. After school he helped Lewin all day long and after that he went to bed so he couldn't even call or text you.

You huffed as you looked at your handsome boyfriend that sat at the other end of the classroom.
You really liked his new haircut, but wished that he wouldn't have gotten it for Lightning but for you.
He was fixated on class, or so you thought, when you looked away he caught a glimpse of you and noticed sad expression.

It worried him to see you like this. Your eyes had dark circles under them and were slightly red, you looked paler than usual and you constantly frowned without even noticing it.
He wondered what was wrong, thinking about all the things that could be on your mind. The scenario of you wanting to break up with him scared Bon and he made a mental note to talk to you after class.

"You are dismissed now." Yukios voice spoke and you quivkly grabbed your things to walk out of the classroom. You just couldnt wait to go back to bed again, without Bon writing you a goodnight text every night you couldnt sleep as well and were constantly tired.

"(Y/N)! Wait!" You heard your boyfriend call as you walked through the hallways of the academy.

"Oh hey Bon." You blushed as you looked at his handsome face.
Even though you saw it everyday it still was beautiful to you.

"Uhmm...are you ok...? You look very tired...Im kinda worried..." he mumbled while scratching the back of his neck.
You didnt answer, and just hugged him tightly.
You hug surprised and confused him a bit, but he hugged back nontheless.

"You didn't answer my question...Im really worried about you..." he said while stoking your hair.

"I dunno...I just couldnt sleep taht well the last few days." You said because you didnt want him to feel guilty. You knew that it wasnt your place to question who he spends his time with.

"I feel like thats not the complete truth..." he mumbled and you felt caught.

"I just...No its fine really...lets just stay like this for a second..." you said, hugging him even tighter and pressing your face onto his chest.

"You feel lonely right? I'm a bad boyfriend...I didn't even notice that I neglected you..." he muttered with a frown.

"Dont say that! It's really fine! You are following your dream!" You tried to convince him that you were fine, but it didn't work.

"How about we meet this weekend, we havent met in a while...we could watch some christmas movies and get into the Christmas spirit!" His suggestion brought a bright smile onto your face.

"Yes! I would love that!" You got onto your toes and kissed him.

You felt nervous and really happy at the same time when it was finally Saturday.
"Bon!!!" You almost tackled your boyfriend after you opened the door for him.
"Hey babe" he chuckled, hugging back.

You pulled away and gestured him to get into the room, closing the door after he had entered. He took off his coat and beanie and sat down on the edge of your bed.
"You seem really excited..." he chuckled as he looked at you.
You were wearing a ugly Christmas sweater and a Santa hat paired with thick socks and wide smile on your face.
"Of course! I get to spend time with my favorite person!" You smiled even brighter and Bon stretched out his arms, inviting you to hug him.

You sat down on his lap, resting your head in the crook of his neck while hugging him tightly.
"You are so cute..." he mumbled while rubbing your back.

"You are even cuter..." you mumbled, looking up at him and ruffling his hair.
"Did I already tell you that I love your new hairstyle?"

"I think you did...but thanks." He smiled and kissed your cheek.
"So...what movie do you wanna watch? Home alone? The Grinch? A Christmas carol?"

"Hmmm how about we binge watch all the a Christmas prince films?" You suggested and if he would've known what the films are about he would have probably not said yes.

"Do you really think that is romantic?" Bon huffed after you were done watching the first film of the trilogy.

"Why wouldn't it be? A prince that falls in love with a simple girl...." you said dramatically.

Bon just frowned. "How many more films are there?"

"Two and after that we'll watch a knight before Christmas and after that last Christmas!" Bon just frowned but didn't dare to protest because he knew that you were happy.
And even tough he would never admit it, he started to enjoy the movies.

They were everything that he normally hated but affer watching dozens of romantic Christmas movies, he started to enjoy them.

"No! You love him!" Bon talked to the main character and you giggled.
"Seems like someone's enjoying these cheesy movies!" You said and Bon blushed.

"Nahhhhhh...I guess they are ok..." he mumbled.
You giggled and got on top of him, staddling his waist.

"Liar!" You laughed.

"Ok...I guess they aren't too bad...maybe I enjoy them." He said while hiding his blushing face.
"Do you women really want to be together with a prince or a knight?"

"Hmmm I guess...its just romantic." You said while thinking back to the movies.
"But you know what? Everything I need is you!" You said and touched  his nose with you index finger.

"You're so cute!" Bon said, pulling you closer until your lips touched his.
"I love you (Y/N)" he whispered after pulling away slightly.
"Ill try to have more time for you, I promise!"

"I love you too!" You said and kissed his lips.
"Its ok...I know that being Lightings apprentice is important to you."

"But you are way more important to me!!" He said while placing his hands on your hips.
"Im sorry I've been such a bad boyfriend."

"Dont say that!" Your lips formed a frown. 
"To me you are the best boyfriend in the whole world!!"

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