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"you have a beautiful voice, you know." Y/N whipped around, to see: "Shirou! i-i didn't know you were here..." he walked towards Y/N, standing next to her. it was starting to get a little dark, seeing as there were rainclouds around the area. "we should get inside. there's going to be a storm." Y/N and Shirou walked inside, and into his room. sure enough, it started to rain. Y/N went over to the window, and watched the rain. Suddenly, there was a loud crack fo thunder, and Y/N jumped and hid under Shirou's desk. "you don't like storms?" said Shirou, walking over to Y/N. he smiled, and offered his hand to her. Y/N blushed a little as she took his hand. she flinched as there was a loud bang outside. "It's just a storm, it'll pass. why don't you like storms?" "when i was about three, there was a storm, and some beastman hunters raided my first foster home, and it turned out they were an entire family of beatsman dogs, and they were all killed right in front of me." she felt tears trickle down her cheeks, and snuggled into Shirou's chest. he was a little hesitant, then he hugged her back. Y/N knew she was blushing, but didn't care. Suddenly, Y/N's fluffy grey tail appeared, and she was wagging it. "Y/N..." "Mhm?" "Your tail..." She looked up at Shirou, who was generally red. she blushed even more. "s-sorry, that's jsut something that happens." "i think it's cute." "c-cute?" "yeah." he smiled, then all of a sudden, he kissed her. and surprisingly, she found herself kissing back. she looked kind of shocked when they broke apart, she felt kind of shocked. "S-shirou..."

"S-shirou..." she leaned forward and kissed him again. when they broke apart, she could see him blushing. she hugged him again, and he hugged back. Y/N jumped when there was another strike of lightening. "Hey, just calm down..." she sniffed a little and snuggled into his chest. "i really do hate thunder.." she flinched again as another struck. and then, she slowly fell asleep in his arms..

when she woke up, she was resting on the couch in Shirou's study. she groaned a little. it was till raining outside, and it was really dark. she heard voices downstairs so she knew the others must be back. she stood up and stretched. her tail was out again, and she quickly deactivated her form and walked downstairs. Michiru was laughing. "Y/N! Shirou said you were sleeping and we didn't want to wake you." "where is Shirou by the way?" asked Y/N. "He got called by the mayor again. I also put Kei to sleep for you." "Thanks... wait, what time is it?" "It's 09:00 pm." "Wow.. i slept for a while..." Y/N headed back upstairs to check on Kei, then headed to sleep herself. as she lay in bed, she checked her phone. there was a FaceLook post showing a picture of a little girl. it was another picture of Kichona, and she was smiling, being held by her father. she decided not like the post this time, as she had probably caused enough panic with the last one.  she put her phone down and sighed. 

someday, mom, dad, i'll be able to see you again...

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