Chapter Twenty-Four - The Sacrifice

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Chapter Twenty-Four

The Sacrifice

Mud caked my clothes, my bike, and all exposed flesh from the waist down. Mud probably covered my wound, which would cause some sort of infection, I'm sure. I took every back road I could find, wove through fields of grass and mud, and even hid at one point behind someone's camping trailer to get Cedric's guys off my tail. Adrenalin pumped through my veins for well over an hour non-stop, leaving me wide-awake and almost jittery. My motorcycle, however, seemed to be weakening just as Cindy was.

Cindy wasn't doing well at all. From what she mumbled to me as we crouched behind the camper, the bullet hit her in the back. The exact location remained a mystery to me because I refused to stop. I had to get her to Matthew. Matthew would know what to do.

At one point I actually had to use my belt to keep Cindy's arms around my waist. She kept fading in and out of consciousness. When she began to pass out, I'd have to lean in the opposite direction she was slumping in order for us not to crash. I refused to think about the bullet in her back or about Cedric's guys or even any injury I've sustained tonight. Thinking about any of it was enough to cause a meltdown, and I had to keep a clear head during this. A clear head keeps people alive, not one fogged with panic.

It took nearly half an hour to lose Cedric's guys. I tried to focus on making it to Matthew's, even if they were somehow following me. I didn't care anymore. Cindy hadn't said anything in over ten minutes. I was so desperate for help that I threw caution to the wind and went back on the main road, taking it all the way to Matthew's long and winding driveway. I practically flew through the tress like an owl, with the moon only occasionally bouncing light off my dirty and bruised flesh.

When I pulled up to the steps, I didn't hesitate. I untied Cindy's arms from around my waist before jumping off the bike. My leg, having not been used since I was first wounded, didn't stand firmly on the ground, but instead gave out beneath me. My body fell onto the steps, skinning up my left arm and nearly my face. I gritted my teeth and forced myself to stand, just barely. It wasn't the pain causing me problems. My leg seemed to just be exhausted and done for the night. It was like having a noodle for a leg.

I straightened my injured leg before reaching over and grabbing Cindy and miraculously throwing her over my shoulder. It was both adrenalin and shock making me into something superhuman. The more I walked on my leg, the more I was able to walk without falling. I didn't knock or ring the doorbell. I threw open the door and practically stumbled in.

Mallory, Matthew's new assistant after he killed Jacky, stared at me with her wide, strikingly blue eyes. She looked me up and down, from the mud covering my legs to the blood still around my chin and down my neck. I knew she has probably seen some crazy things since working here, but this had to be one of the craziest.

"I need help! Get Matthew!" I demanded, falling to my knees and gently placing Cindy on her side.

Mallory gaped, still unable to speak or move.

"Now!" I snapped.

She jumped at my harsh tone and scurried off up the stairs.

I looked at Cindy's back and saw where the bullet had gone straight through her right shoulder. It going right through was good news because it meant there was no bullet currently digging inside of her. Cindy wasn't stirring at all when I tried to wake her. She was breathing, faintly, and her heart was giving light thumps here and there. I pressed my fingers against her forehead and cringed when she felt icy beneath my fingertips. How much blood has she lost?

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