Chapter Fourteen - Heart Breaker

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                                                        Chapter Fourteen

                                                           Heart Breaker

I stood in front of the bathroom mirror with a tube of red lipstick between my thumb and fingers, pressing the deep red lipstick to my lips and carefully spread it around. My eyes, lately bare of any makeup, were currently smoky with thick, black lashes. I took my can of hairspray and coated my long curls to insure they stayed. It’ll be a bit difficult to keep them tamed after I ride my motorcycle. I also inspected my clothes, which consisted of skinny black jeans, black buckle boots, a red fitted V-neck top, and my trusty leather jacket. Why go through all of this? Why dress up and force a smile? It’s because Shana was right; I’m the only one who can get close enough to Matthew.

I don’t just want to walk in and stake him. I want to destroy him. I want him to look at this hot chick in front of him as she rams a wooden stake into his cold, dead heart. I want him to feel the physical and emotional agony of loving Joanna Garth. Because that’s what comes with loving me, apparently: Death. I want him to feel it. I want him to know that loving me was the biggest mistake he had ever made.

I packed everything up and headed to a hotel near the city, just in case. If this all goes to hell tonight, at least I didn’t leave my crap behind at David’s house. They won’t have to deal with me anymore.

As soon as I dropped my stuff off, I hopped onto my bike and headed to Matthew’s with a fiery determination. This could very well be my last night ever. I should have eaten a steak or something as my last meal. Instead I was running on coffee and barbecue potato chips I had eaten about two hours ago. My body was shaking from both the hunger and the anticipation of it all. I’ve had it planned out, down to the words I planned to say.

My motorcycle halted at the gates of the Foster residence, grumbling as I reached over to press the button.

“Foster residence,” Mallory’s voice hummed through the speaker.

“It’s Joanna Garth.” I tapped on the handle as I waited for the gate to open.

There was a pause before the gates began to slide open, exposing the path to his driveway. I rode up the winding path and stopped when I made it to the front. Roughly, I kicked the stand of the bike out and placed the keys in my pocket where they would be most accessible in case things don’t go as planned. The doors were opened for me as I walked up the steps and I was immediately escorted to the library where I was told Matthew was waiting.

I opened the library door, forcing myself to take a few deep breaths to slow my pounding heart. I couldn’t let him see my nervousness, otherwise it’d ruin it all. So I stepped in as I’ve always stepped in, with the confidence of an experienced runway model. My eyes met Matthew’s the second I walked in, and the fire within me roared.

Matthew stood by his desk with a glass of some sort of alcohol in my hand. He watched me close the door and step towards him, his expression a mask of nothingness. “Anna,” he greeted softly, as one would talk to an emotional wreck. “How are you doing?”

Do what you’re best at, I thought as I pretended to look distraught. I gripped my arm and stood awkwardly by the sofa, trying to look as much of a wreck as he thought I was. “Really, really crappy. In fact, I’ll go ahead and add another really to it.”

He frowned, and I wondered whether he had rehearsed that frown several times. “I am sorry to hear about your loss.”

Liar. “I think the worse part is that I was the one who drove him to the drugs. I can’t believe I destroyed such a wonderful guy.” I flopped to the sofa and buried my face in my hands, sniffling loudly.

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