Apatosaurus Massacre

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In apatosaurus field the apatosaurus herd were minding their own business

They were just eating the grass and lying on the ground when suddenly they heard screams

"what could that be?" a young apatosaurus asked

A bunch of gallimimus run away from something bigger

And that was the indominus rex

"what the hell?" the alpha apatosaurus asked

"oh looks like a bunch of long necks are here" the indominus said

"who or what are you?" the alpha asked

"i am your worst nightmare" the indominus said

"actually my worst nightmare is waking up in a place full of t rexes" the alpha said

"whatever i will still kill you" the indominus said

"we'll see" the alpha said as the other apatosaurus attack the indominus

They pushed her and whipped their tails at her but she was barely phased by it

"really?" the indominus asked

She slashed the alpha and clawed at the others and she aimed for their legs

"such courage wasted cause they were too weak" the indominis said

She killed all of their but didn't eat them

She was killing for sport

Author's notes: sorry if this was too short but hey the sequence was never shown in the movie so i showed it off here

See ya next time

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