The Day After

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Flashers was a blur the rest of the night. I remember arriving on the dance floor, Joe's hand still in mine while listening to Mikey slay the music. My hand was never empty of a beverage, whether it'd be another margarita, beer, whiskey, or wine. Our whole group was cheering on Mikey as we all danced together.

"Look who's finally letting loose. Let's go!!" Cece screamed over at me, holding a beer in one hand a mixed drink in the other.

I responded by winking and sticking my tongue out. Joe was still holding onto my hand as we snaked towards Cece. She squealed and took my hand from Joe's, "Loose Andi is in the hizz-ouse!" People around us roared in applause as she began to back her ass up into me. Taking another drink from my glass, I placed my hand on her hip and swayed along.

"I'll just be standing over here. Call me Chop Liver," Joe joked and smiled as he took another sip from his whiskey.

"Never! You're forever Java!" I shouted back to him and we smiled at one another.

Those were the last words I remember saying before everything seemed to go in slow motion. Cece and I dancing with Nick, Joe, and the girls. Downing three tequila shots. Finding my arms around Joe's neck, our foreheads pressed together, and his hands on my hips.

Then time caught up with me when Nora ripped me from Joe. She had a severely drunk Cece beside her, Nora holding her waist with Cece's arm around her shoulders. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked from Cece to Nora.

"How about you help your best friend instead of trying to get fucked by a Jonas Brother?!" Nora shouted.

I was taken aback by her words. I could feel the anger start to bubble at the pit of my stomach. I opened my mouth, but Joe cut me off.

"Hey, don't speak to her like that," Joe spoke as he stepped forward.

I closed my eyes and shook my head, "No, Joe. I got this," I stepped drunkenly towards Nora and Cece. "I don't know what I did to you. Why you have this stupid agenda against me. But, just cause my relationship with Cece is better than yours, does not give you the right to speak to me like that. Soooo.. fuck off," I slurred and held Cece up on her other side.

I stumbled alongside Cece while Nora walked soberly towards the door, staying silent after my drunk confrontation. I closed my eyes, trying to get myself to focus. 'Just get to the door. Make it to the door,' I thought to myself.

"You good Puff?" I opened my eyes and smiled as Joe was walking besides me.

"Yeah man. I'm so good," I answered and gave a big grin. His lips let a chuckle escape, then I felt his hand on my lower back.

I felt the temperature change. The warmth from being around so many people and dancing vanished once we got out of Flashers. The cold night air didn't sober me at all, it only intensified my drunken state. I cursed to myself, but tried my best to keep my focus on helping Cece. We made it to where the ride-hailing cars were lined up and we stopped.

"I ordered our ride already. I've got it from here," Nora was mono-toned when she spoke.

I stayed silent, just nodded at her. I looked at Cece and smiled at her. Her lipstick was almost completely off, eyeliner slightly smeared as she giggled for no reason. I couldn't help but laugh with her, "Nora is gonna take you from here Cee. Tomorrow, you call me, m'kay?"

Cece's eyes met mine for a second and she giggled again. "You better get laid by that hot piece of ass, Andi," she whispered and smiled mischievously.

"Go rest. Happy Birthday and I love youuu!" I quickly said, kissed the tip of her nose, and let go of her so Nora was in full control.

Once I was on my own, I felt weak. I closed my eyes again to focus, but the cold air was really messing with me. I felt myself start to shiver, my hands rubbing up and down my arms.

"Andi, come here," hearing Joe's voice, I opened my eyes and saw him standing beside me now. Nora was walking Cece towards a white Ford Focus, Cece waving bye till she was in the car. "Andi," his voice brought me back to him.

Joe slipped his denim jacket off and placed it on my shoulders. His scent lingered on the jacket and I nuzzled my face on my shoulder. "Thanks! That feels lots better," I spoke and smiled.

Joe laughed as he placed his hand around my waist and helped me get my arm around his. "Lets go," he softly said, his breath smelled a bit of whiskey, but it still sent chills down my spine.

"Where we goin'? I wanna go dance," I pouted as Joe kept me up, the two of us walking towards the valet.

"You danced enough, Puff," he said with a smile, looking down at me.

I squinted up at him, "No. You danced enough."

Joe's laugh filled my ears, making me break my serious face. "Brilliant comeback," he complimented as he handed his ticket to the young valet driver.

I let a yawn escape my lips, my head feeling hard to keep up right. "They just kinda come to me," I said with a slight shrug. I let my head lean on his chest, giving in to the alcohol coursing through my body. I closed my eyes as we waited for his car.

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