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After the chat with Emma, Alex woke up half an hour later. Her mind buzzed with questions concerning Emma's and Liam's sudden engagement. She looked at the illuminated red lines on the clock. 5:00. She didn't need to get up until 7. Emma's news just invaded the hardwire of her daily routine. Emma's life always did that to Alex since secondary school.

"Hey! What are you doing up?" Jackson's voice said snapping Alex out of her thoughts.

" I just couldn't sleep." Alex said turning around slowly to face the half naked man before her.The sunrise peeked through the blinds and happen to stare at the two people on the bed.

" What is it Alex, something wrong?" he sounded concerned. With the little light she had, Alex could see worry in his eyes; those blue eyes, beautiful like the sunrise outside. She surveyed his face. His hair was rustled not messy and his highlights faded. She loved his hair when it's wild and unkept it reflected his sometimes wild personality.

Alex twiddled her fingers so she could return to reality." Emma's getting married." Alex returned her gaze back to his face. His chiselled jaw clenched then relaxed.

"Emma? You mean your old school friend?" his lips barely parted for his deep and seductive voice to escape. He had lips that eluded her. She thought to her self that if she never had control of her inner goddess, she would be naked by now and on top of him. Thank god for self control.

"Yes, she is getting married to an old school friend of mine. I never thought this would ever happen after their last breakup." Jackson reached across the bed and pulled Alex closer towards him. He snaked his hand around her waist and their fingers entwined at her navel.

" Alex,you of all people should know that anything is possible." She felt his voice rumble through her back. With those words, she knew that Jackson was the one she would marry. A smile enveloped her face.
" Besides, why worry about that. She is happy it's about time we stir up some happy of our own."

Jackson whipped her into the soft sheets. Alex screamed blue murder finally the constant worry faded away.
She kissed him passionately . Her hand slipped behind his head. Their kissed deepened as her moved his hand down the valley of her neck towards her bosom.

Jackson slowly pulled away. " I'm sure those to live birds are doing this too.

"But Emma wouldn't do this!" She flipped so she would be on top. Jackson gave Alex that 'I like you when your bad' face and pressed his lips against hers.

Meanwhile in Barbados.

"Liam, I'm not not inviting Nick! You know full well what Alex and Nick could do separately. Imagine what drama they could stir up together." Emma's commanding voice made Liam flinch.

"Come on babe, it's supposed to be a celebration. You should know that the two of us getting married would mean a total blast of the past." Liam said plainly.

" Ugh, ok. Only because they are our good friends but if anything gets out of control I'm not taking the blame." Emma gave into Liam's idea. She knew what Liam said was true, with him putting the ring on her fing fing as she always said, a shroud of dust from the past will envelop everything from then on.

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