🔥 that day 🔥

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(Y/n) pov^

That day Shoto offered to take me home but I felt too shocked that I declined and said maybe next time, but as I walked away I ran to him "hey shoto can I see your phone quick?" he placed his phone in my hands and I insert my number in "what did you do?" he questioned while slowly putting his phone back in his pocket "now every time you want to talk to someone you can just give me a call" I smiled and ran towards my house feeling flustered and embarrassed. I walked home to surprisingly find the house empty with the heater turned off "sh*t" I exclaimed realizing that my fingers were turning blue "ahh that was a close one" I get in the shower and listen to some nice (favorite calm song) while I closed my eyes for a bit.

I got out and washed my face and went to go throw on a white skater skirt dress and a hoodie because for some mother forken reason our heater was not working. I sat on my desk chair trying to decide if I should go out and buy some cake or if I should just eat them (favorite food) that was left in the fridge.

Everything was so quiet that I decided to sit and watch a movie, but before I did I get an unexpected call.


"Hello ?"


"Hey (y/n) I hope I'm not interrupting?"

"don't be so formal Shoto it's weird"

I feel a smile plaster on my face as I hear Shoto's voice but to my surprise, he just sounded too formal.

"Okay then if I can still speak to you like old times... you need to stop saying Shoto"

"but I mean-"

"nope it's not up for discussion"

"fine do you want to go get a bite to eat Todoroki ? my mom isn't home and I'm terrible at cooking"

"yeah let's meet up by Mr.Han's antique shop"

I hung up and grabbed my bag, slipped on my tennis shoes, and ran out the door to Mr.Han's shop. I got there and as we ate it felt like old times like I have my old friend back- so sad that we had to leave early because there is school tomorrow.

^The Next Day^

I ran out the door because I forgot to set an alarm and was running a bit late "Holy frick! that is the most I've had ran in my entire life!" I exclaimed not realizing that I was interrupting Mr.Izawa "Gomen gomen " I drag my feet to my desk and sweatdropped. "okay as I was saying today we are going go through so stages to see where you are excelling and where you are failing" my adrenalin started to pump throughout my body making me very very excited to finally getting to show off our quirks. We all change into shorts or pants and a white T-shirt "okay so first we will throw a baseball" I looked at Mr. Izawa with a concerned look "Shoto Todoroki" at the sound of his name brought me back to life after Mr.Izawa made me feel like a blob because of his tired voice. "gahhhhh" my eyes widen to see how far that ball went "nice nice". "Okay, Katski Bakugou" I looked back and saw this white-haired boy with a pissed-off look "Pay close attention dumbasses because I'm going to teach you a FUCKING lesson!!" at those words I felt a bit scared. Everyone started to laugh as the number was lower than sho- Todoroki's number, but quickly shut up cause we didn't want to be burned to a crisp.

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