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This is an anonymous request where a really young woman has a sexual relationship with Kirk which is 57.

⚠️Warning(S): dirty words, smut, filthy things, 18+ contents⚠️
If you don't like this kind of stories, don't read this chapter,thanks.

You were so excited: you won a VIP pass for Metallica's concert in your city, it was the perfect occasion for you to speak with your favourite band and telling them how grateful you were to them and their music.

"Y/n, y/n" Your mom called you "your VIP pass just arrived at home!"
"Oh yeah, I was thinking about the pass right now and I realised how lucky I am..."

Your mom, Y/m/n, loved Metallica as much as you do, and with your dad, she educated you with Rock and Metal music since you were really little.

You got ready, you were wearing a pair of jeans and a bullet belt with your favourite Metallica t-shirt: the Master of Puppets one. Your hair were straight and you put on some natural make-up on your eyes but a classical heavy red lipstick. Some perfume, your favourite comfortable shoes and a backpack with some water, the pass and the essential things you could need at the concert.

"Time to go, y/n," your dad told you "oh, you're gorgeous. Who are you going to impress? Kirk? James?"
You laughed and you answered. "They are in their late 50s, dad."
"I don't know, you love them more than your life..."
You shivered and hugged mom before your dad accompanied you at the concert venue.
"Call me when the concert ends, okay honey?"
"Yeah dad... don't worry."
He was overprotective even if you were almost 25.
"Bye," you hugged him and he kissed your cheek, like when you were really little. "see you later..."

You disappeared in the crowd and then you went to the VIP area.
"Name?" A security guard asked you
"Y/n Y/s"
"Okay, now I have to scan your pass," you gave him your pass "perfect, you can go. They are waiting for you, now I call Joshua, the bodyguard that will be accompanying you to the room where the boys are now."

Joshua was a tall blonde man and was probably in his 40s. He was good looking and very nice.
"Okay, this is the room. Good luck!"

You knocked on the door, waiting for someone to tell you you could enter.
You noticed someone was opening the door. It was Robert.
"Please enter," he said very nicely, "are you Y/n Y/s?"
"Yeah, nice to meet you" you said shaking his hand.
He closed the door and you noticed Lars was looking at you, smiling, James was on the sofa with his beloved acoustic guitar, strumming some chords and Kirk was staring at you, as if he was interested in something you wore.
"Okay so I'm James," he started laughing "I know you're a super fan so basically, you should be introducing yourself... I think you know who's who here"
You laughed and yet you were less tense. "I'm Y/n Y/s and I am really happy to be here with you all, it means a lot. I remember you are the first band I ever listened to, my dad is a huge fan too. We share the same passions..."
"That's awesome!" Lars said "Uhm, I don't want to sound strange but how old are you? You're really young!"
"I'm 24, next week I'll turn 25!"
"This is great about the Metallica family," Kirk said blushing "there are members of all ages!"
"That's true..." James said
"Do you play something?" Robert asked you
"Yeah, I play bass"
"Amazing! What if we play something with her, guys?" He asked to the others
"Hell yeah!"
"Let me look for my focking drumsticks, I lose 'em again!!! FOCK!" Lars shouted
"What do you want to play, Y/n?"James said
"If it's possible, I'd love to play 'For whom the bell tolls!' It's one of my favourite songs ever..."
"Great pick! Let's go Larsss!"

Rob gave you his Warwick bass and you started playing the song that you chose, they were impressed in your way of playing, really elegant but wild.
"Five minutes to go, guys!!" Lars announced
"I go to the bathroom" Robert said
"Me too, Rob!" James answered
"Okay so I'll go checking some things... see you later for our luck ritual!"
You were then alone with Kirk, Kirk Hammett, your favourite guitarist of all times.
"I loved it," Kirk told you "I freaking loved it. What if you come in my hotel room tonight?"
"What?! You have a family Kirk..."
"But I like you, Y/n..."
"A nightstand?"
"Not really, me and Lani are in a difficult moment..."
"Okay then, see you later, Kirk, it sounds so strange..."
The atmosphere was getting hotter and hotter and he kissed you, passionately.
Someone entered the door.
"Your seat is near to my place on stage, okay?" He told you placing a piece of paper with a sweet sentence 'The ''Fade To Black'' solo is yours ❤️ xx Kirk'
"Okay, thank you Kirk" you told him pretending nothing happened
You went to your seat and you sat down waiting for the boys to enter the stage while making some Instagram stories.

"What the actual fuck, Kirk!" James shouted to his band mate
"Please, don't be mad at me just because I like her. She remembered me something, don't be an asshole..."
"I'm not trying to be an asshole, Hammett, I'm just telling you she is too young for you..."
"Love is love, James..."
"I'm not the type of person who actually tells you what to do and what to avoid, everyone does his mistakes... but don't mistreat her, she is precious, look at the way she smiled when she saw us, she's so pure. Don't be shitty, Kirk."
"I won't, I like her so much..."
"Okay then, life is yours... and you live it your way..."
"What happened?!?" Lars and Rob asked
"Nothing, Kirk invited Y/n to his hotel room tonight, and I told him not to be a shitty person..."
"Here we go again, back in the 90s, Kirky?" Lars asked Kirk
"No, guys... you wouldn't understand..."
"Time to go. Good luck, mates..." Robert said

The concert was amazing, Kirk dedicated you the 'Fade to Black' solo and you were shaking for the emotions you felt in that moment. It was a dream.

"Okay so... now, I'll take a shower, wait for me there, then we'll reach the hotel" Kirk said
"Okay, Kirk..."

You picked up your phone and you called your mother telling her you'll stay at Josie's home that night. Josie is your best friend and she was at the concert too, so you invented this, just to be sure that your parents won't be alarmed.

"Here we go," Kirk told you "the car is here, paparazzi aren't here so we will go safely at the hotel which has a really private parking and we will be alone... sometimes I hate being a VIP..." he said laughing

You arrived and he brought you to his room.
He was wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a simple black t-shirt.
"You're amazing... you know, I love something about you..."
"What?" You asked, thinking you were in a wonderful dream
"Everything" he said sounding a little kinky
He placed his hand on your cheek and kissed you, the kiss was warming up every cell of your body.
He brought you on the bed and he started to unzip your pants, then your shirt and you were in your underwear in a matter of seconds. You started to undress him too, he was in his boxers and you noticed he was already hard, you placed a hand on it, gently massaging his cock.
He took off your bra and started staring at the sight, then you took off your panties and he took off his boxers.
You kissed him one more time, then you sucked his length noticing it was really big.
He was panting, enjoying your performance and telling you you were awesome, smiling as much as he could.
At some point, he made you sit comfortably, he spread your legs and started licking you out, after that, he put one finger inside of you, making you screaming his name louder and louder every finger he added.
"So your fingers aren't just fast on the guitar fretboard..." you said breathlessly
"I don't think so, are you enjoying this, honey?"
You nodded as he opened the bedside drawer and picked up a condom, he wore it and then he started penetrating you.
"Kirk, I'm so close..." you panted
"I'm close too..."  he groaned
When you both came, he told you something that changed your life forever.
"Fuck, I'll get divorced from Lani to be with you... Angel and Enzo are tired to watch us arguing."


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