Star Wars: Downfall Part 2

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Anakin POV:

After my meeting with Yoda, the Chancellor requested my presence at the Opera House and he requested it immediately, so I didn't have time to tell Ahsoka. I hurried to my speeder and got the idea that I could just contact Ahsoka on the commlink, "Hey Snips are you there? Snips? Well if you can hear me, I'm on my way to meet with the Chancellor right now, I'm going to be a while." I paused and sighed to myself, I'll see you then. I love you."

I put the commlink away and focused on the path ahead to the Opera House. Making may way there, I was distracted. I could only think of my nightmares and what Master Yoda had said. Should I just let it go? No, I couldn't. Not after my mom. I promised myself I wouldn't let this happen again, and I WILL NOT, let this happen to Ahsoka. She means everything to me, and then some.

I shook my head out of the daze it was in once I arrived at the Opera House. I hopped out of my speeder and walked increasingly fast to the Chancellor's booth, for I thought my distracted mind made me late.

I ran passed numerous people, then up some steps and to some guards. They immediately let me pass into the Chancellors booth, "Thank you." I quickly bowed to them and went in.

The second I entered, Palpatine looked to me and smiled, "Ah, Anakin my boy, you made it. Please, sit down." He then turned to his other guests, "Leave us."

3rd Person POV:

Anakin slowly walked over to the seat next to Chancellor Palpatine and sat down, adjusting his robe to his comfort. "Anakin I have good news," Palpatine started, "Republic spies have found General Grievous. He's hiding," he rolled his eyes, "in the Utapau system."

Anakin was relieved to know that Grievous had been found, "Finally, we can capture that monster and end this war."

"Yes, all in due time of course." They were silent for a moment, "Anakin, I'd like you to be my personal representative on the Jedi Council, and with, I'd like for you to go on the mission to Capture Grievous. I'm quite sure you can handle it." Palpatine looked at Anakin and smiled a sadistic smile.

Anakin looked to the ground, happy but doubtful, "Me a Master? I'm overwhelmed. I don't think the Council will approve of this." He looked to Chancellor Palpatine with a sad expression.

"Oh I think they will. You're the right person for the job Anakin." Palpatine then looked to the Opera that was going on. The purple and blue swashes, flowing freely about in the crystal clear bubble, the rumbling noise, barely vibrating the floor beneath them.

"Is something troubling you Anakin?" He asked, his eyes glared at Anakin now. Anakin looked at him confused. "Anakin, its alright son."

Anakin lowered his head, "I've been having nightmares again..."

"Like the ones of your mother, and the sand people?" He questioned.

"Yes." He replied quietly.

"And who are they about?" The Chancellor asked in a concerned manner.

"Well," Anakin started, "They're about Ahsoka and I." His heart stopped. He thought to himself about how no one knew about him and Ahsoka. He began to panic.

"Anakin," Palpatine rested his hand on Anakin's shoulder, "are they about what happened on the day you rescued me and Ahsoka was unconscious?"

Anakin shook his head, "No. I don't know what they are about. I just see her, lying on the ground, dying. And I'm..." His voice trailed off.

"You're what my boy?" He interrogated.

"Burning." He replied silently.

"And you feel this might happen? Like it did with your mother?"

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