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Darkness, darkness is all I saw until electricity sounds could be heard then footsteps they got closer and closer until it happen again they tased me over and over and over until they were satisfied, how could they do this to me I have done nothing wrong or at least I think, the the sounds of doors opening could be heard

??: How is he?

???: Unresponsive

??: Vitals?

???: stable

??: What?!!?, How is that possible?

???: It's like he's adapting to the torture

??: Then make him hurt

???: We can't, unless

??: Fine do it

They than put a chain a round my neck and legs and forced me to get in too a pool of black water, when I woke up I felt something different something worse than the torture

???: Ironwood he's a wake

Ironwood: I'll be there in a second

I looked at my body and saw it has changed and became one of them, I then looked at my hands and saw my claws stayed with me the I felt my teeth and they were sharp maybe a little to sharp then the sounds of a door opening was heard

Ironwood: how is he?

??: His a bit shocked

Ironwood: well that was to be expected

??: I better get back home before my family gets worried

Ironwood: just be careful Winter

Then this winter person left and then ironwood opens the door to my room

Ironwood: do everything I say or suffer

I tried to Slash him but something stopped me form moving

Ironwood: this is what you get now

I was shocked, it was from my neck this new body was weaker than expected

Ironwood: now bowe down to you're master

I just growled at him then he left me in the room alone

1 week

Ironwood: we can't let anyone else know about this

Winter: so move him back to Atlas?

Ironwood: yeah

I could understand a bit of what they are talking about unbeknownst to them, they moved me into a steel box with the label "SDC" what ever that means

Ironwood: there's no way to get out of there so don't even try

Winter: you really think that he understands?

Ironwood: I have no idea

Winter: let's just send him to Atlas

Then they walked away, when they walkd away I extend my index claw and started to dig in to the back of my neck, it hurts but at least I can escape, after awhile I got something made out of steel so I took it out then I could feel that I'm moving up I then slashed the door opened I then proceeded to the back of what ever I was in and pushed a big red button then the big door opens and I could feel the air so I jumped of

And landed on top of a building and proceed to go in to the city, I stayed in the shadows and roof tops, I was observing some of the humans and notised that they are wearing color full clothes while I was wearing a white t shirt and jeans,

I then looked around and saw a place where you can change clothes so I walked in and looked at a few of them until something caught my eye a black hoodie with a black pants, "yes they will do" I thought to myself so I took it and walked outside but I was stopped by a Human

Shop keeper: hey you have to pay for those you know

I then extended my claws and looked at him dead in the eye


Shop keeper: just take it and leave

I could sense the fear in him, so I walked away then I walked to a dark alleyway and got changed and climb to a roof top at this point I was dark outside, and then I noticed a ship it was similar to the one i jumped of

"Revenge" I said to my self

as I was jumping from one roof top to another (on all fours) I see girls fighting a man but one of the girls stood out she had white hair just like Winter's so I jumped of a roof top and landed in the middle of them

I then extended my claws and looked at the man, it wasn't him but he has his ship

"You know ironwood?"

The man: I don't have time for this *shots*

The bullet just bounced off me

The man: what?

Then his minions surrounded me


I then slashed all of his minions killing all of them in one swing each but the man got away so I looked back at the girls

Red: y-you're u-u-under a-arest

I then walked over to the white one and smelled her out

"You Winter not"

White: h-how do you know my sister?

"She experiment me"

Then I noticed that one of the minions is still alive so I walked over to him and crushed his head with my foot

Then a voice said: hybrid stop

I then looked at the person who said it

"How you know name?"

The person said: I worked at Atlas military

There it is again Atlas what is this Atlas?

"Your the robot"

Then a person with a green scarf walks towards me

Ozpin: I'm ozpin-

"You ironwood friend"

Ozpin: well yes but how did you know?

I was then hit on the head and got knocked out

I woke up tied up to a chair and Ozpin is sitting next to me with the girls standing guard

"Tell me where ironwood"

Ozpin: no

"Then kill me!"

Black: what?

"You kill me"

Ozpin: we are not killing anybody

Yellow: what's your name


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