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It was a couple of days after I joined the white fang, I met the leader of the white fang, Siana khan

Flash back

Siana: Adam why did you bring a Human here

"Don't you dare compare me to humans"

Siana: well what are your faunas traits?

I opened my mouth and extended my claws

Siana: well this is interesting, aren't faunas supposed to only have one animal trait?

"Im not "normal" as you can see"

Siana: well what do you think Adam?

Adam: he did help me so i think he will be perfect

Siana: it's settled then umm... I didn't catch you're name what was it?


Siana: hybrid well stay with us

End of flashback

Adam called me to his tent to discuss about a heist for some dust

Adam: hybrid nice of you to join us

"Just tell me what to do"

Adam: straight to the point, I like it anyway a train will be going here *points to a part of the map* and will reach this point *points to a part of the map* in about 0600 hours from now and we have to get in and get out with the dust in the same amount of time

"Sounds easy enough"

Adam: only one problem

"What is it"

Adam: it's from Atlas, so there will be a lot of huntsmen and huntress and maybe even ironwood


Adam: yeah apparently he will be here for "business" and the Vytal festival

"But that's in another 3 months"

Adam: that's what I don't get, why would he come here?

"Let's just get the dust and get out"

Adam: yeah

So we headed for the train tracks for an ambush

2 hours

It's been 2 hours and the train has not passed I could see that adam was frustrated and getting angry but than the train passed and we jumped on the roof of it and cut our way in

When we came in to the train we were surounded by huntsmen

Huntsmen 1 : hey you're not supposed to be h--

Before he could say another word I cut him and every one else in the room (except Adam)

Adam: come on let's get the dust

So we got the crates of dust and throw them out of the train Cart for the rest of the white fang to collect but I see something in the corner of my eye it was the same logo "SDC"

??: Hybrid!!

It was Winter, she was here so that means that ironwood is here

Winter: hybrid what are you doing?

"Shut up"

Adam: hybrid us with me

Winter: hybrid stop this

"I'll kill you for what you did to me"

I than ran towards her and slashed at her but she blocked it with her sword so I used my teeth and bite her sword and knocked it away from her

So I attacked her but I was shot in the back by Ironwood

Ironwood: good to have you back hybrid

"Adam get out of here"

Adam than jumped out of the train Cart

Ironwood: I see you made friends

I than was shot at but I moved just in time

Ironwood: now come back to me


Ironwood: too bad

I than was attacked from the back by Winter than ironwood shot me in the leg which made me fall down

Ironwood: it's over hybrid

"I'm not hybrid"

Winter than puts her sword up to my neck


Darkness then came out of my body and gave me the energy to stand up and fight back

I extended my claws but this time it was larger ( think like that one guy from my hero academia the bird dude) so I slashed at winter and she got her legs cut so I went to Ironwood and slashed his Left side of his body (you were super fast)

"I'm not hybrid. We are Oblivion"

And with that i jumped out of the cart and ran back to camp

_________________________________________ sorry that this was short and if this was bad I made this late at night and I just wanted to get this chapter out to you guys again I'm sorry if this was bad _________________________________________

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