C H P AT E R _ F O U R

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I woke up to the soft light of dawn filtering through the small window. Harrison was still asleep beside me, his face peaceful. I leaned over and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, wake up. It's morning," I whispered.

Harrison groaned and mumbled, "Just a few more minutes."

Smiling, I shook my head and slipped out of bed. After washing my face, I got dressed in a navy blue shirt and jeans. I headed to the kitchen and found Archie and Steven already there, grinning as I walked in.

"You woke up late," Steven said, still grinning.

"Had a rough night?" Archie asked, then moaned theatrically, "Oh yes, Harry, yes, harder!"

I made a face, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Gosh, were you two up all night?"

"Yup," Steven replied, sipping his coffee with a smirk.

Archie laughed, clapping Steven on the back. "Couldn't sleep with all that noise from your room, anyway," he added, winking at me.

I scoffed and poured myself a glass of milk, then started to butter some bread. Mylo walked in, rubbing his eyes.

"Looks like someone had a rough night too," Steven said, eyeing Mylo.

"Yeah, I kept hearing creaking sounds," Mylo replied, and Steven and Archie both looked at me with knowing grins.

I rolled my eyes and offered a piece of buttered bread to Mylo. "Here, eat this."

"Oh, thanks," Mylo said, stuffing the bread into his mouth.

Harrison walked into the kitchen, still looking sleepy, and joined us at the table. As I passed him a piece of buttered bread, he leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Gross," Archie said, making a face.

I ignored him and asked, "So, what are we going to do today?"

Mylo perked up. "We're going to a nearby village."

"Wait, there's a village?" Archie asked, surprised.

"Yeah," Mylo replied. "It's a small village not too far from here. It's got a couple of shops, and the locals are pretty friendly. We can stock up on supplies and maybe check out the old church. It's supposed to be kind of cool."

Steven looked intrigued. "Sounds like a plan. Beats sitting around here all day."

"Okay, everyone, get ready," Mylo said, standing up from his chair and heading out of the kitchen.

Archie and Steven followed suit. "Hey Steven, try not to get lost in the village like you did at the mall," Archie joked.

Steven rolled his eyes. "Only if you promise not to flirt with every shopkeeper we meet."

I laughed and headed back to our room to get pack some things. As I was about to reach for my bag pack, Harrison grabbed my arm and pulled me closer.

"You wore my underwear," he said, a smirk playing on his lips.

I felt my cheeks heat up. "Uh, sorry about that," I mumbled, looking away.

Harrison chuckled and gave me a quick kiss. "It's fine. Just don't make a habit of it," he teased.

We set off through the woods, the dense canopy of trees casting dappled shadows on the ground. The air was fresh, filled with the earthy scent of moss and leaves.

Archie trudged along, already looking impatient. "How long does it take to get to this village?" he complained, kicking at a loose stone.

Steven glanced at his watch and sighed. "It's been only 20 minutes since we left the cabin, Archie."

"Feels like forever," Archie grumbled. "This is ridiculous."

Mylo turned around and shot Archie a warning look. "Try not to make so much noise. There can be wild animals here, like bears."

Archie scoffed but lowered his voice. "Bears? Seriously?"

"Yes, seriously," Mylo replied. "These woods are their home, not ours."

I exchanged a glance with Harrison, who squeezed my hand reassuringly. "Let's just enjoy the walk," he whispered to me. "We'll get there soon enough."

I nodded.

The trees seemed to close in around us as we walked, their trunks thick and ancient. Every now and then, we heard the rustle of leaves and the snap of twigs, making us glance around nervously.

"Hey, is that the village up ahead?" Steven suddenly pointed through the trees.

We could see the outlines of small buildings and a clearing up ahead. The village, though small, looked quaint.

"Yep, that's it," Mylo confirmed.

We emerged from the woods into the village, a quaint place that seemed untouched by time. The buildings were old, their wooden structures weathered and moss-covered. Cobblestone paths wound through the village, and the air carried the faint scent of wood smoke and earth. It felt as though we had stepped back in time.

As we walked through the village, a few villagers stared at us with curiosity. Their clothes were simple and old, adding to the feeling that we had entered another era.  A young girl working in a vegetable garden caught Archie’s eye. He waved enthusiastically at her.

“Hey there!” Archie called out, causing the girls to giggle and whisper amongst themselves.

Mylo rolled his eyes. “Come on, let’s go see Uncle Fernando.”

“Who’s he?” I asked, glancing around at the unfamiliar surroundings.

“He’s the priest. More like the head of the village,” Mylo explained, leading the way.

Archie couldn’t resist making a joke. “You two really need some holy water,” he said, nudging Harrison and me with a grin.

I shot him a look, but Harrison just laughed it off. “We’ll take all the help we can get,” he said, still smiling.

We followed Mylo through the village, passing by small gardens and villagers going about their daily routines.

As we approached a larger building, I noticed it wasn’t a typical church. There was no cross on the roof. Instead, a skull of a reindeer with long, twisted horns adorned the peak, giving it an eerie, almost primal look.

“This is it,” Mylo said, nodding toward the entrance. “Uncle Fernando should be inside.”

We stepped into the cool, dim interior of the old building. The interior of the church was unlike any other I had seen. A few wooden benches, worn and weathered, were arranged in rows like a traditional church, but they seemed more suited for people to sit or even sleep on rather than for formal worship. The flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows on the walls, enhancing the peculiar atmosphere.

"Is that suppose to be Jesus?" Steven asked pointing at the front.

Instead of a large cross or a figure of Jesus at the front, there stood a wooden statue of a man with his hands raised. The figure was intricately carved, lifelike in its details, but the head was that of a reindeer, complete with antlers that looked unsettlingly real. A tall man stood near it praying.

The walls were adorned with various symbols and carvings that blended Christian iconography with elements of nature and local folklore. There were images of the sun, moon, and stars with depictions of animals and plants, giving the place a distinct, almost pagan feel.

"Is this a place to pray or do excorsim?" Archie whispered.

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