Must I Suffer?

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"You're late." Draco's waiting for him, still awake and wearing black pyjama bottoms as he paces around the bedroom. "When I said 'drinks', I didn't mean to empty the tavern."

Harry laughs steps into Draco's immediate space. "I'm sorry. Things were a little intense."

"How intense?"

Harry flushes and Draco's reaction is immediate. He pulls away and raises a pale eyebrow over one eye. They knew this eventuality would come one day, though Harry always thought it would be a planned night, something Draco would know about. He never imagined having to tell Draco that he shagged someone else as a surprise. Suddenly, it doesn't feel like the right thing to have done and there's guilt trapped like an air bubble in his sternum.

"Right." Draco breathes sharply through his nose and takes Harry by the chin. Harry wants to avert his gaze but Draco won't let him. "Listen, we knew it would be you first. I didn't even know it would be me, too, until recently. It's okay, Potter."

His shoulders rise and fall with a big breath. Harry places a hand on Draco's hip and digs his fingers in. He's still afraid Draco will run. It's been almost a year and he's still worried that what they have is fragile, can break at any moment.

"Come to bed, Harry." Draco's hand trails from his chin to his hand and he pulls him along to the bed they've shared more times than Harry can count. Harry undresses quickly and slides under the dark duvet. Draco pulls him close, holds him against his chest, and loops their fingers together over his abdomen.

"So, you and Granger..." He sounds more analytical than emotional, even and smooth.

"Yes." Pushing the word out is harder than he thought it would be. "It just happened, Draco, I didn't plan for it tonight."

He feels Draco's chin nod against the top of his head. "I know. It's alright. We knew this was going to happen eventually, right. No need to get uppity about it now."

"You're not mad?" His voice sounds so small as it catches in his throat.

He feels Draco's chest rumble against his ear. "No. I'm actually quite curious – was she yellow or magenta?"

"Yellow." Harry turns his jaw up and smiles at Draco who is scowling now. "I tried to tell you. I don't know why you're surprised."

"The blue is so faint," Draco mumbles against Harry's lips. "Must I suffer your superiority at every turn or might I have a chance to be the better of us one of these days?"

"I don't think that the density of the color is any indication of –"

"Alright, alright." Draco pushes Harry's head back down and he's sure it's because he's annoyed that he's the blue and doesn't want to discuss it, so Harry lets it go. "Is she a good shag, at least?"

"Draco." Harry pinches him playfully on the side and Draco laughs as his hips jerk away from Harry's hands.

"The way you're glowing, I hardly have to ask."

"Go to sleep, Malfoy."

"What, so you're satisfied and I'm left to fend for myself. Is that it?"

Draco's hand traces little patterns on Harry's arm, lower and lower, until he reaches the band of his trousers. Harry springs to life immediately and groans when Draco's hand brushes against him. He rolls over and hovers above Draco's smirking face.

"It's not my fault it turns me on that you're turned on by her." Draco crashes his lips against Harry's and jerks his hips up.

"You're a git, Malfoy." Harry ravishes him then, doesn't let him up for air, and has him preening from all the filthy things he tells him about what he has to look forward to.

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