short videos (tik toks)

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"so this one is  a bunch of short clips or statements to which some have captions or explanations so deku doesn't have to explain every video to us." mei said. 

"well get on with it extra!" Bakugo said.

"Kacchan be nice" deku exclaimed.

"whatever nerd" 


Why does no one ever bring up or worry about the fact that when izuku cries its always either out of regret or relief/ gratitude/ joy but never sadness its as if he's so unaccustomed to experiencing large amounts of joy he can't physically handle it but sorrow is completely normal to him.

"oh wow starting of heavy" mic said 

"um can i leave if you have explanations" deku said.

"uh yea sure" mei said.


"this one is deku reading nala's note"

"who's nala" denki said

"omg" inko has tears going down her face.

"she was izuchans friend" Bakugo said.

if they ask you about me tell them I was the only person in your entire life who ever loved you with 100% honesty and was always there for you and then tell them about how he broke my heart. 

"what does she mean by that" everyone pondered 


the screen shows deku vibing then suddenly he starts dodging everything Bakugo throws at him without even opening his eyes. 

"godamn it I forgot he did gymnastics parkour figure skating and karate" Bakugo yells.

"he did what" the whole room shouts. 

"yea he was so busy" inko said.


"in this one deku is welcoming nala to aldera middle school" mei said.

"bro really i heard horror stories from that school its in really bad conditions and they have millions of cases of quirk discrimination and bullying." sero said.

"it was trash" Bakugo mumbled.

"they're not stories they are true" Vlad king say's

"oh no"

"welcome to my school this ain't no middle school this is the thunderdomb" deku says while stepping over some blood and walking through disgusting corridor's with everyone whispering as nala follows. 2Hold your breath and count the days we're graduating 'soon' " "QUIRKLESS!" everyone in the corridor shouts. "UA will be paradise if I'm not dead by June" they keep walking and more things are thrown at deku. "how would you like a friend?" nala asked.

"oh god that's awful" 

"bakugo you had to go there too"

"omg deku"

"how did something so bright come from there"

"EVERYONE SHUT UP"  Bakugo shouted

"i don't need your pitty and neither does deku so leave it alone!"


"this one is in the future when 1A first graduates" mei said.

"they call themselves the revolution" "what a bunch of a**holes"

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