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"Okay so this is photos of mr one million over here" mei said loading the universe.

"Okay so this is photos of mr one million over here" mei said loading the universe

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"Oh my gosh deku-kun your eyes look so pretty there" uraraka said.

"Yea they look like emeralds oniisan" Eri said.

"Aww thanks" deku said hugging her.

"Can I have a hug too oniisan" kota said.

"Of course munchkin" deku hugged him too.

"What about me kitten?" Shinso said pouting.

"Im literally sat in your lap toshi" deku replied.

"Next" mei said.

"Awwww its baby deku" mina yelled

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"Awwww its baby deku" mina yelled.

"Yea he used to do that when he couldn't reach me to kiss me on the cheek" inko said.

All the girls died of cuteness so did shinso. Meanwhile everyone else was taking photos yes even the villains.

"Next" mei said.

"Yup would brighten anyones day" koda said

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"Yup would brighten anyones day" koda said.

"Hiss too bright" dark shadow said before returning to his master.

"Next" mei said

"Next" mei said

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