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Okay. Quick Question.It's just a random thought.

What is your favourite word?? 


"Look who showed up today!" Steph exclaimed, "Tacky hoodie by BTW" her voice resounding throughout the cafeteria, earning us a few stares. 

Oh yeah. I am just craving attention now and is absolutely loving every second of  it.

I just give her one of my death stares which according to  Luke, scares the schnitzels out of people.

Steph narrows her eyes and Allie just chuckles "Leave her alone Stephanie, poor girl's had a long day today. DON'T hate on my hoodie and after all breaking up with the high school quarterback is a kind of a big deal."

Yayy!! I knew Allie was a keeper, I also see Luke playfully sticking his tongue out at Steph.

Me and Steph always have this queer bond where we don't compliment or say nice things to each other. All our love is showcased only through cussing, pranks and silent gestures. I don't know how it even started but when it comes to her, I am just unable to express all those lovey dovey crap girl besties do. The same goes for her too. Yeah we're a couple of wierdos.

We go grab our trays and sit at our usual table. I mostly sit with them during lunch,even when I dated the school's golden boy, because Derek apparently doesn't wanna look uncool by sitting with boring people.

Well, his words not mine.

I did join him sometimes at his table and trust me when I say it was HELL, the cheerleaders starved themselves by eating nothing but salads which were completely unappetizing. I don't understand why people would even eat something like that when there are so many other food  options available and the jocks always wanted to do stupid shit, there was just too much testosterone in the air sometimes.

I'm just glad I don't have to endure it again.

I happily start wolfing down my lunch, which is a burger with a side of fries and coke, obviously.

Sooo delicious. If I could marry food, I would. Atleast then I wouldn't have to deal with all this crap. My life would've been pretty darn good.

A shrill voice floats in the air and reaches straight to my eardrums, "Are you a thousand percent sure?? Because trust me young lady if I find out that's a lie, you are gonna regret the day you were born". Oh surprise surprise, it's Paige Marshall!!

I don't really like to talk about her but let's just say she's a bitch, thinks of herself as Willowcreek high's queen bee but in reality, nobody even likes her.

Ohhh fun fact!! She apparently 'fancied' Derek since middle school but the latter paid her no attention due to how whiny she was. Nonetheless, nobody cares.

The poor girl that Paige was talking to looked so pale and jittery and answered"I'm sure Paige, I heard it myself".

"Hmph!Okay", Paige then turned around and started approaching  the general direction we were sitting in, we all snapped our heads back to our meals and tried to be as discreet as possible. Silently praying that the she-devil doesn't come towards us.

"Delilah dear, do you have a minute?" Paige asked me in her sickly sweet tone. 

Of course!!Now's the time God decided to ditch me. 

I look at my friends and notice all of them glowering at the demon from hell beside me.

I give her a fake smile of my own "Yeah Paige, go on". 

"I heard that you broke up with Derek, I'm so sorry" ,she paused then continued "that Derek finally got his senses back and decided to get rid of you", the cow taunted me.

Who does she think she is, the queen of England. The audacity.

I guffawed upon hearing this, "Honey, I broke up with him, not the other way around", I could see Luke's smug face and Allie struggling to keep her smile off her lips.

Steph just giggled and lifted her hand up saying, "UP TOP" and I obliged giving here a hi-five.

Paige's nostrils flared, i could literally see smoke coming out of her ears. 

'You think you are that great huh? I voluntarily steered clear of you, but not anymore. " she mocked, i held my gaze. You don't show the enemy your achilles heel right.

"I'd like to see you try"i countered thus making the angry monster angrier

She lifted her nose up, turned around and stormed away from our table.

"Insane much???" Allie questioned, glaring at me.

I shrugged "You know fully well that I don't back off from a fight, if she wants a war then she'll get one"

Yeah. Allie is the sane one in our group and we've been best friends for so many years, that I consider her family my parents also do. I'm pretty sure u can guess who is the sane one and who is the crackhead in this bond.

I look down at my burger, aww my baby!! Sorry i wasn't paying attention to you and went in to take a huge bite.

Before I could do that Luke jerked his elbow with mine, making me drop the burger on the tray.Phew.

I scowled at him, giving him a stink eye but he better thank the heavens because if he had made me drop my burger to the floor, he would have been buried six feet under by now.

As I went on to take a bite, the cafeteria doors opened and in came Julian Hawthorne, walking like he owned the place.

I dropped my burger for the second time today, and my attention went back to the food in front of me.

This didn't go unnoticed by three sitting around me. Steph also looks at me with a knowing smile, so I think Allie must have filled her in on what happened at the parking lot.

Whatever, it was a no big deal.The guy just spoke three words to me.He definitely doesn't faze me. Yeah, at least I'd like to think so.

I finally take a bite of my burger and sigh in satisfaction. Luke suddenly starts choking on his food. I look at him and go "You good?".

He swallowed, and he's directly looking behind me.

"Scoot over, sweetie. You aren't gonna keep me waiting, are you?" a voice resonates.

It's you-know-who.


It's done y'all.

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