Chapter 14 {Our Dirty Little Secret}

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      Francesco couldn't believe what had happened, he had just lost his virginity to his boyfriend, and he was happy about it. The same pictures of that awesome afternoon flicked in Francesco's head like a never ending movie, as he walked home. He rubbed his bicep, blushing to himself, and rounding a corner that lead to his burgundy colored household. As he looked up the sun sank below the houses that lined the spiffy neighborhood. Francesco smiled looking at a street sign that read. Burrington Avenue. He continued down the street, breathing softly and walking lightly. For some reason he felt like a lot of weight had been lifted from his shoulders, he pondered at the thought, bitting his lip and rounding another corner. He stopped at his front door, pulling keys from his pocket and unlocking his front door. He pushed it open, looking around. No one was home, thank goodness, which meant that Francesco didn't have to do any explaining on why he wasn't home sooner. He stepped into his kitchen that was on the left side of the door. Seeing a note on the table and picking it up.

I went out to get groceries for tonights dinner, don't eat too many snacks while I'm gone, and don't forget to feed the fish.
Love, Mom.
    He chuckled, placing his backpack on the diningroom chair. He walked over to a cabinet by the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of fish flakes. He shuffled out of the kitchen and into the livingroom where a large rectangular fish tank resided near the couches. He sprinkled some food in, watching as two beta fishes gobbled the flakes down. He sighed, slumping down on the couch, his eyes on the fish tank. I wonder how our relationship in gonna go, I hope no one finds out, cept' Jonas of course. Francesco closed his eyes. Guess its just our dirty little secret...


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