you're so golden

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"Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes -"
"Okay, I got it babe, you said yes."

Harry just laughed happily, eyes crinkling and dimples showing as he flung himself at his boyfriend who grunted, but held him back as happily, both of them laughing.
"Okay, c'mon, let me give you the ring." Louis laughed, wiping away a tear quickly with the back of his hand, holding the box in his other hand tightly.
Harry pulled away just enough for Louis to slip the ring out of the box and onto Harry's finger.
Both boys just smiled at each other dumbly, Harry admiring his diamond ring. His engagement ring. It took them a moment of staring at each other with happy tears in their eyes, before they both pulled in, managing to knock their foreheads together in the process of trying to connect their lips, both of them falling into giggles.
"I love you, sun."
"I love you too, Lou."

The day was sunny. Fortunately. After months and months of planning and getting ready, the day was here. They had found a beautiful manor for the wedding. There was plenty of nature and privacy and even a small lake, with swans in it. Harry had fallen in love with this place as quickly as he had with Louis. So they had picked that for their wedding.
They had come the day before, had their crew to start getting things ready, flew out their family and friends. The manor had many rooms, where the guests could sleep. Well, that included closest of family and friends.

Birds were chirping outside of the window, the sun was shining through the window and Harry would have enjoyed bathing in that warmth. He was going to, until the door creaked open and suddenly someone jumped on him and Harry yelped loudly in surprise before he heard a familiar chuckle, an irish chuckle.

"Mornin'!" Niall smiled brightly and Harry groaned a little.
"It's your wedding day stupid, get up." The Irishman added with a small smirk, climbing off of the Styles.
Harry sat up and stretched out his arms, a huge grin on his face. He's getting married. Getting married today.
"I'll bring you breakfast. Oh and Gemma said she has something for you too."
Harry nodded at his words, running his hand through his brown hair with a happy sigh as Niall left his room.

The rooms were a little old fashioned. Deep blue walls, fancy candles, wooden floors, big fancy beds. Golden sunlight hitting the walls through the beautiful windows.

A knock was heard on the door, before a head poked in and Harry smiled at the sight of his older sister, "Gems." He smiled brightly as his sister stepped in, "Morning, baby bro." She greeted and strolled over to his bed, to pull him into a tight hug, "God, I can't believe you're getting married." She sighed, ruffling his hair to what Harry pouted, "Don't touch my hair."

"Okay, okay -", Gemma raised her hands in surrender, and then just smiled, pulling out a pack from her pocket, "Early wedding gift." She said with a smile, kissing his head quickly, "I'll check back in later." She said with a smile, heading out the door.

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