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(Hello, everyone!! I am SO excited to be writing this right now. I'm on a bit of a spree. Anyways, this is an Apex Legends fanfiction with my OC, Ash. She is Revenant's reluctant sister who went through the same things as revenant- altered into something else. While Ash uses her powers for good, Revenant... Doesn't. Eventually, they meet in the Apex Games, and her being Revenant's sister doesn't sit well with the legends, so she's trying to gain their trust, etc.)

"Right. That should do it!" Solara chirped. She looked around her room for any decoration she might have missed. Her gaming station? Check. Bed? Obviously, check. Fire-related decor? Check. And her wardrobe? Still in some boxes in the corner. She sighed and looked out the window at the sun setting overhead and turned on her lava lamp and twinkle lights she strung across her room. Her room theme was a majority of red and orange, with a decent spatter of pink and yellow. There was a knock on her door. She opened it to find some members of the syndicate standing there.

"You're is the new legend, Ash? Alright, come with me." He demanded.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"You need to meet the other legends. The event will be televised as an exclusive behind the blood special." He said, emotionless. Solara tensed at the word "televised". She could be on television in the ring, no problem, but in the dropship? No can do. She asked no further questions as they wound through the corridors of the drop ship. At last, they reached a door, with murmurs wafting from the room the door leads to. Solara assumed it was the Legends. She wondered what they were saying. The syndicate member turned to her.

"Check your appearance. Make sure you're camera ready." He said, his face still yielding no emotion. Solara blew out a breath and pulled her blonde waves forward and adjusting her top. It was red, fading into orange. It was one of those ones that hung off your breasts. She would have put something else on if she new she was going to meet the legends. She corrected the pockets on her black high-waisted shorts, as they had twisted around uncomfortably.

(yes, this is my attempt at describing clothing. Sue me).

She nodded to the guy, and he opened the door to reveal a fairly large common room with the kitchen a few feet away from the back of the couch. In the middle of the room, some of the legends were sitting around, and others were standing. Solara's cerulean eyes scanned the faces of the Legends, her full lips parting in awe. The legend Mirage was the first to stand up and greet her.

"Hey! Welcome to the Apex Games. I'm Mirage, but my real name's Elliott Witt." He winked. Solara smiled.

"Hi! Wow, it's so overwhelming to be in this room. I've been watching the Apex games since I was a little girl! I'm Solara. I don't know my last name." She put it bluntly. She didn't really have a last name. She forgot it. This time, it was the Legend's turns to let their jaws drop. Solara bit her lip. Suddenly, she felt even more out of place than before. She felt someone hovering behind her, and the legends seemed to notice, too. Some stared up in masked fear, others in confident defiance. Then a gravelly voice behind her made her jump.

"Ah, my little sister. Come to join the bloodshed?" Solara whipped around, glaring at the synthetic nightmar that was her brother looming over her. Before she could answer, Mirage cut in.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're his sister?"

"Unfortunately, yes." She said dryly, still glaring at Her brother.

Mirage was, for once, speechless, as his gaze kept flicking between the 5'7 girl and the 6'something robot.

"Here we go, two demons to deal with." A voice sounded from the corner of the room. Everyone turned to stare at the person the voice belonged to. It was Loba. The legend who's parents were killed by Revenant. Solara's eyes widened.

"Oh, no. I'm nothing like my brother, he actually left me with no parents because I wouldn't go on killing sprees with him for money." She blurted, desperate to save herself. She didn't see the Legend's reactions. She turned to face Revenant, who scoffed behind her.

"You were dragging me down, I did what a reasonable skinsuit would do."

"STOP SAYING SKINSUIT!" Solara erupted.

"Why, is it offensive to you? Skinsuit" Revenant jeered. Solara's fists balled, pantomiming her strangling someone. She noticed her vision went orange, not a good sign. The thing that landed her in a stone orphanage somewhere in a cold place she didn't want to remember. Noticing this, she stormed back to her room, saying over her shoulder in a faux-polite voice.

"Interview's over. I look forward to seeing you all on the field." She felt someone get up to follow her, but someone made them sit down. She could tell by the shuff of fabric.

she paused for a second, turning back to her brother.

"Especially you." she jabbed a finger in his robotic chest. He didn't say anything, just stared at her with narrowed eyes.

When she reached her room, she flopped on the bed, picking up a picture frame of her 12 year old self, standing and smiling beside her 14 year old brother. A knock on her door startled her, and she quickly put down the picture and opened it. Standing outside, was Octane, looking antsy as usual.

"Hola, amiga! Solar, right? Anyways, we were just thinking about the whole fiasco back there, and most of us just want you to know, no hard feelings! We sorta feel bad for you because of your... Family situations, and uhh, yeah."

Solara ignored him getting her name wrong.

"It's because you guys are scared of me, aren't you?"

"What? Of course not! Well, Elliott is a tiny bit, but he'll get over it, I gue- WHOA. IS THAT A GAMING STATION?!" Octane walked over to her gaming station of all red, pink, and orange. Solara heard a sigh down the hall. Of course, they wanted to apologize and sent Octavio to do it. He probably lost a bet or something. She sighed and followed him.

"Yep, my own, personal gamer station." She said, plopping down in the chair stationed at the desk. She didn't have to see his face to know his jaw is dropped and his eyes are wide as he ran his fingers over the smooth black keyboard and examined the headphones placed on the monitor. Solara watched him. Suddenly remembering what he was supposed to be doing, he went back to the door and kept talking.

"So, just wanted to clear that up! And sometime maybe we can play together, right, amiga?" he asked excitedly.

"Sure! Just give me your name and I'll add you." she smiled at him.

"OctaneGames." He said sheepishly. Solara tried unsuccessfully to hold back a laugh.

"Hey, I'd like to see you choose a better name!" He said defensively.

"Solar_Eclipse" She raised an eyebrow and cocked her head.

"Okay, that's actually pretty cool. But cool nicknames have nothing to do with skill!" Octane called as he began to disappear down the hall.

"We'll see about that!" She called back. After Octavio was out of sight, she closed the door and flopped down on her bed again, this time filled with hope that the legends won't have anything against her just for being the kin of someone they all disliked. She fell asleep, excited for the next match to show everyone what she was made of.

Sister of a Demon - An apex Legends fanfic (REQUESTED CRYPTO X OC)Where stories live. Discover now