Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Little Big Talks

"You bear the scars. You've done your time"

Civil Wars- Dust to Dust

"It seems you have been well" my mother said after a few minutes.

"Yes, there were a lot of hard times since I left here but the very best was this last year. I've never been happier" I answered truthfully.

"Tell me about Edward" she asked softly.

I smiled "He is wonderful- kind, understanding, smart, funny, handsome, and he is great at everything" My mother laughed quietly, and I smiled over at her. "He makes me very happy, he takes great care of me, and most importantly he lets me make my own decisions and respects them".

"He sounds like the perfect man for you" mother smiled softly "I could not have asked for a better mate for you".

"I got it right this time" I said glancing over at her.

She nodded. "Sounds like it"

It was quiet for the next few minutes I looked over at my mother her brows were furrowed.

"Before you left" she started "I could see how unhappy you were, but I did not know how to fix that. So, I did nothing which I see now was not the correct response. I hurt you deeply- mi dispiace Isabella."

"Thank you for apologizing but that is a lot of hurt I honestly have not fully processed"

"I understand"

"I just wanted you- I needed you to help me and I felt like you just pushed me away"

"I have no good reason as to why I did but you are right I ignored you and I failed you. I will never forgive myself that, but I selfishly hope you will forgive me"

"I don't hate you if that's what you are worried about"

She sighed heavily and clasped her hands tightly "I had hoped you did not hate me, but I felt that was too selfish to hope for"

"I admit I was deeply hurt and for a long time never wanted to see you or father again... but I did not hate you I hated your lack of action but not you"

"Grazie, Isabella," she said and in the next instant was pulling me into a hug I hugged her back briefly.

"Your father is different as you are well aware, he won't apologize nor ask your forgiveness" she said sadly, and I nodded.

"I know mother. That is fine"

She sat next to me pulling me down, so I was laying on the couch and my head was in her lap. We used to sit like this all the time, and we would talk for hours. I felt my eyes stinging slightly, I closed them tightly against the persistent tears.

"What do you want to know" she asked running a hand through my hair gently.

"Do you remember how long you carried me? I know memories get lost when transitioning" I said.

"Yes, most of them are blurry or gone but I remember it was a month. How far along are you?"

"This week makes 4 weeks- so I suppose we can assume it will be longer than a month before birth" I said with a laugh placing a hand against my bump. While it was bigger than it was just a week and half ago when we got back from our honeymoon it was still nowhere big enough for birth.

"You seem a little piccola" my mother's voice took on a slightly worried tone.

"Well with Carlisle's measurements and the pictures Alice takes daily. It seems like I grow just about every day- sometimes two times a day"

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