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"It was completely biased, there's no way that something like that would be approved by anyone on the board," The Demon girl's heels tap against the floor of the school as she crosses her arms like a child and huffs out smoke practically leaving h...

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"It was completely biased, there's no way that something like that would be approved by anyone on the board," The Demon girl's heels tap against the floor of the school as she crosses her arms like a child and huffs out smoke practically leaving her body.

"You don't know that, there's always a chance they'll change their minds," Sangyeon suggests as he walks next to her while scanning the book he's carrying while the remaining friend to his other side stays radio silent.

"No way in literal Hell would they ever change their narrow minds," The girl rolls her eyes adjusting her shirt as a group of students walk on the other side of the hall trying to avoid the group of demons, with hushed voices and avoiding looking in their direction.

"Why would they even open a school for humans, angels, and demons if they were just going to keep it biased and completely disregard one-third of the student body,"

"Because Sangyeon, they want our money, no one gives a shit about us, and that's not going to change overnight," The girl practically hisses out as she knits her eyebrows together tapping her nails against her arm.

"Well if we explained-" Sangyeon shuts his book giving his full attention to the girl he can feel the heat radiating off her body as she gets angrier.

"We just tried to explain, no one listened to anything we pointed out, the entire system is flawed," The girl cuts off her friend snapping at him as Juyeon remains oblivious to the ensuing argument happening beside him.

"I'm sure there's some way we can get them to listen to us," Sangyeon contemplates trying to think up a solution but everything is a dead end and they all know that.

"Yeah, if we threaten to kill their entire bloodline I'm sure they'll listen," The girl smirks twisting a strand of her black hair around her pointer finger as she enjoys that idea.

"You know we can't do that," Sangyeon rolls his eyes at her idea dismissing it as she expected he would.

"You're no fun, what do you suggest Juyeon?" She addresses her oddly silent friend who just continues to walk as he finally takes a seat at their normal table no one goes near considering the fear the other students had towards them.

"Juyeon?" She asks again not yielding any responses as she pouts taking her usual seat next to him but he's still in his head a dazed expression on his face.

"Don't ignore me," She angrily steps on his foot as she watches his expression suddenly change to one littered with the pain in his foot as he moves away sightly.

"Ouch!" Juyeon sends his friend a glare as she just smiles satisfied with his reaction as Sangyeon takes his seat across the table.

"Where the heck is your mind at?" Sangyeon asks his friend who is still glaring at the girl with black hair

"I'm right here, jeez," Juyeon mutters sliding his bag off and setting it on the ground.

"Really? I couldn't tell, you've been so out of it I thought you might have been a zombie for a second," The girl snarkily remarks watching as Juyeon rolls his eyes.

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