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Stop, Rewind, turn back time.

The world around her is almost hazy and blurred as she can only focus on the series of events unfolding in front of her eyes

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The world around her is almost hazy and blurred as she can only focus on the series of events unfolding in front of her eyes.

"What are you doing?" The man- demon asks as Maeri blinks away the trance she's in. Her eyes looking towards the ground as she fiddles with the friendship necklace that sits on her neck.

"Are you... a..." She struggles to get out the words as the demon rolls his eyes.

"Demon? No, I'm clearly a mermaid," His voice is laced in sarcasm as the girl awkwardly shuffled her feet.

"I've just never... met one up close?" Maeri admits her heart beating quicker which the demon takes notice of.

"Really? Then this will be fun," The Demon smirks as the girl tilts her head eyes glancing up at the demon for a second before averting her gaze once again.

"What do you-" The girl is about the question when her pocket starts emitting sound as she quickly takes her phone out of her pocket to look at the caller ID.

"Mommy's calling," The demon now behind her whispers as the girl's breath hitches as she takes a brief look at her phone and denning the call before turning around and looking up only to be met with an empty street. She looks all the way around her but the Demon is nowhere in sight Maeri knits her eyebrows in confusion as her phone starts to ring again as her finger hits the answer button this time. Bringing the phone to her ear the sound of a breathy voice on the other end.

"Wake up," The distorted voice causes Maeri to drop her phone as it hits the ground.

Maeri's heart beats against her chest as she jolts out of sleep abruptly, a thin layer of sweat drenches her entire body her breath is caught in her lungs, she chokes on her own fear sitting up in her bed trying to recover, the room still dark as paranoia seeps through her body, eyes becoming hyper-aware of her surroundings she sits back against the wall to get a full look at her empty room.

Slowly the feeling in her gut diminishes she can feel herself start to relax against the headboard of her bed dragging a hand through her damp hair. A glance at the clock would tell her that it was three in the morning.

Unable to make herself close her eyes she lets out an exhalation and throwing on a jacket along with a pair of shoes that lay where she had haphazardly thrown them when she got home from practice yesterday. Maeri quietly opens the door to her room peering out into the hallway, lit only by the streams of moonlight pouring into the room from the half-opened blinds covering the windows. She crept down the stairs and carefully flipped the lock on the sliding backdoor, the door that made the least amount of noise as she stepped out into the cool morning, the world seeming to switch seasons from the heat of summer to the rain-filled autumn days, the smell of fresh rain infiltrates her nose breathing in the comforting scent.

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