A Fresh Start

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Jack.exe has stopped working.

He stared at Elsa, completely dumbfounded by this newest development. She had transformed her clothes before his very eyes. If that wasn't enough to render him speechless, the way she looked in her new dress would. She could've walked onto a red carpet and no one would've batted an eye. Elsa looked much more approachable with her hair down and a smile on her face, compared to when they'd first met. Despite this, Jack suddenly found himself unquestionably, seriously intimidated.

"So?" Elsa prompted, biting her lip. "What do you think?"

"You–I–uh, you look amazing," he managed to sputter out.

Nice going there, Jack. Real smooth.

Her eyes sparkled. "Really?"

"Yup." Proud of executing a coherent response, Jack faked a coughing fit before his mouth could betray him.

"Hmm..." Elsa walked to the nearest wall. Using the reflective surface as a mirror, she twisted and turned to see her outfit from every possible angle. "I don't know. I think there's something missing..."

Dress, check. Shoes, check. Umm... What more do girls need?

Elsa didn't seem the type to carry a handbag, and it wasn't like she had stuff to put in one anyway. Jack wracked his brain for ideas. "Uh, earlier you were wearing a cape?"

"Not quite," she said, turning to point at him, "But maybe..." Elsa thoughtfully tapped her finger on her chin.


Elsa pursed her lips as she considered Jack's suggestion. No, a long cape wouldn't do. It would be concealing and restrictive, two things her life definitely wasn't anymore. But she couldn't deny that yards of fabric trailing behind her provided a certain elegance and drama she loved. As she pondered the conundrum, Elsa experienced a flash of inspiration.

She closed her eyes. Though it had been effortless to find her magic when she'd first started using it, it seemed that her powers had retreated to a far corner of her mind. A nagging headache formed, slowing the process, but Elsa finally coaxed the energy from within. Within seconds, a glorious gossamer train grew from the back of her dress.

Elsa opened her eyes to find Jack closely inspecting the process. As this enterprise was his idea, she decided to subtly deepen the blue to match his sweatshirt. The shift in hue also nicely offset her cerulean gown without drawing attention to itself.

"Do you want to watch the sunrise?" she asked, gesturing toward the open balcony. The gradually brightening skies indicated that the sun would soon breach the horizon.

"Sure." Jack flew over to sit on the railing. She almost told him to be careful, but stopped as soon as she realized it was pointless. Even if he fell, there was no real danger.

"What's it like?" she asked, suddenly curious.

He looked over his shoulder. "What's what like, Snowflake?"

"Flying." Elsa joined him at the edge, though choosing to keep both feet planted safely on the floor. Jack had promised to catch her earlier, but she wasn't eager to put it to the test.

"In one word? Incredible."

"I don't doubt it." Old memories surfaced, but for once they brought no pain. "When we were children, Anna always loved to play games where she could pretend to fly."

"Well, it definitely can be exciting and fun. But sometimes it can be peaceful, just you and your thoughts drifting through the skies. Except when there are flocks of geese nearby. Then things get interesting..." Elsa laughed, recalling the time she'd seen a stray goose harass a group of children from her window. "It's also pretty useful too. I've never had problems reaching the top shelf since."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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