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(I know I spelt explanation wrong. Don't judge me for being whimsical.)

I just read the MOST AMAZING someone x reader story EVER. So that inspired me to make my own. You can request for me to do an anyone from alola x reader short story, and if you want, a simple storyboard. Here's the info:

-No inappropriate stuff or extreme violence/gore.
-(Y/N) fills in for your name.
-I will specify if the one-shot is aimed at boys or girls
-It's going to be written as if you were writing it, so, 1st person.
-I will be basing the character's personalities off of the anime, not the games.

Make sure to vote if you like one of the short stories. I'll start you all off with a Kiawe x Male Reader. Read on to... read it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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