Chapter 7

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 Luna’s POV

  After 3 years I got out of that horrid house but it’s hard not having my sister with me. It was cold and rainy which wasn’t my favorite way to enjoy my freedom but it will have to do cause I have to find Harry. I saw a rest area across the street where I could call someone to get me. It was so dark and the clouds covered the moon letting no light show, it was scary but I have to save my friends even if it kills me. I was walking across the street and it was icy from the rain so I went slowly so I wouldn’t fall. “Slow and steady Luna, slow and st-” I was just walking and some car hit me! I had freedom for 10 minutes and I die! That’s just rude. I guess I’m a ghost now and my dead body looks horrible. I look up to see who killed me and I couldn’t believe my eyes… It was Harry. I needed to tell him about Bella but I’m dead so I just need him to see the note Bella wrote to Harry. I reach in to the pants pocket of my bloody body and let the note show slightly just for him to see. If only he knew what Bella and the rest of us have been through. I didn’t even get to say goodbye to Laura.

 Harry’s POV

 It was dark and rainy so I thought it would be better if I went home for once. The roads were icy and hard to drive on but I really need to get home so I didn’t care. I heard my song on the radio, the one I sang to Bella and I went with her advice, I sent Ariana Grande a video of me playing the song, good news is she loved it and put it on her new album. I was really happy to hear my song on the radio so I sang along and enjoyed life but I snapped into reality as tried to dodge the girl crossing the street. The ice was to slick and I hit the young lady. I got out and walked to the now dead girl and the weird thing is I saw a picture of me, my phone number, and a note with my name on it. I opened the note and it was from Bella.

 Dearest Harry,

 I need you to save me and my friends from the old house that is deep into the woods but the road is always blocked off during winter. I’m not dead but I don’t know how much time I have left, I barely get food, I need a doctor, and clothes. I found dead bodies in other rooms around the cellar and I also found Shelly who was used to get me and her kidnapped. I left this note with my friend Luna so don’t freak out that she has a picture of you and your number.

 Love Bella


 I reread the last line and I realized I hit Bella’s friend. I need to get her to a hospital and I need to get home to Gemma and mum; I delivered Luna to the hospital and then went home to my family. “Harry!” my mum and sister attacked me with a hug sending me back a bit, I enjoyed the embrace but I needed their help so I explained them everything that happened and about my love for Bella. “So that’s where you’ve been.” My mum was really concerned about my health and so was Gemma even if we mess with each other we still love each other.

 ~~~~~~ THREE MONTHS LATER~~~~~~

 Bella’s POV

 No Harry to be found and each day the amount of food would decrease. We all are to the point you can almost see our bones, the amount of blood and bruises increased so it hurt badly to move; “Bella…” Anais walked towards me slowly and wrapped her arms around me hugging me tightly. “Hmm” I was staring at the only thing I had left of Harry, a picture I took of him playing guitar in my room. “Bella I don’t think Harry is going to find us, we should just give up.” Her grip loosened as she went to walk away. I kissed the picture as tears streamed down my dirt coated cheeks, I wanted to believe that Harry was coming but now I have no hope anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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