Part 7: "Kim meets Mr. Geisel."

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"Kim." The young witch's eyes were buzzing and became filled with wonder and amazement at this bright and bustling city. The streets were filled with all kinds of people. From Elves. Monitors. Goblins. Werecats. Warlocks and other Witches. Most of these amazing/ incredible looking people, driving in these oddly looking vehicles.

From cars to buses. While others like Centaurs who were just running in the streets and stopping at traffic lights. There were even other Witches who were flying their broom stick way high up in the sky with the birds. "Along with people that had almost looked like Angles. "Excuse me she said." But what are those up in the air. Why those are birds answer Lorenzo. I think she talking about the Passerines Fujico had mention.

Oh, you mean the people who look like angels. Well those are called Passerine. Their part of the air flyer monsters. There in the same family as Angels. And Harpies. But unlike angels. They are from earth instead of place like heaven. And unlike the harpies. They do not look as young. And how can you tell the difference between the good ones and bad? "Oh that's is very simple my dear." Said Fujico as she was about to explain.

Good Harpies look cute and adorable. Whereas the bad ones. Look hideous and not so sweet. They like to live in dark places. But those ones up there with the other flyers. Live in places like these and love the sun light. I see Kim. "Make scenes?" Lorenzo ask her. I guess so. As they had drove throw the city Kim had also saw driving in a taxi next to them.

Well if you had saw what she did, you would not only get in that car. But would not believe your eyes. "Kim was actually seeing what had looked like a taxi driving skeleton. When they had come to a red light and had to stop. The skeleton had look over and saw Kim looking right at him. He didn't say anything to her. He had just given her a smile and had waved to her saying.

" Hi." Kim had waved back to him saying. "Hello." The light had turn green and both cars had gone in different directions. "It's not nice to stair." Mimi said. Sorry about that. The more that they had drove through this city. Kim was more filled with the amazing sights that she was seeing. From seeing trolls and some other monster kids just going to moves.

Hanging out in comic book stores. To men and woman's wearing suits and going to work. "These stores are quite cute said Kim." This really must be your first time to this city Fujiko had pointed out. It really is Kim said back. Well you like to know more about them. Yes please. And as they had pass by every store on the street that they had drove on.

Ms. Fujico had said the names of the store and of what they had inside them or had sold there. "Well now on your left." She had pointed out. Is Franken Oli's bed. Bath. And potions. Your number one places from getting things as. "Soap." Towels. Plunger's. To pillows. Blankets. And of your personal needs for the potions that you wish to make. To your right. Is "Jack's joke shop." Where their slogan is.

"If it ain't funny." It ain't worth jack said Lorenzo. On your left again. Almost everyone one's favorite sweet shop Nessly's sweet tooth. Where you can buy a chocolate bar and no matter of hot it gets it won't melt. Bubble gums that will never lose it flavor. Or that you could keep blowing till it is as big as your face. "But while that did sound too good to be true."

What Fujiko had said was indeed true. Because as Kim had look out of the window. She had seen three kids standing outside of the store blowing up bubbles as big as they could make them. A devil child had blown one until her horns had pop it. A warlock had blown one so big that when it had gone.

"POP!" It covers his whole face. And then what had looked like a sea monster boy with gills, had blown one so big that it had carried him up into the sky. And both Kim and Mimi could agree as they had said to each other. "I don't think that we'll be buying any of that." No sir. This city is amazing but...where do you both live at she asks the both of them? Why we live here they told her. "Blossom road."

kim's Incredible Journey by John fritz August 3,2020Where stories live. Discover now