Part 28: Reunited.

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"As they all were on their way to the dungeon room." Eric and I had no sooner enter his potion room. So this the wand that you want me to try and make work for you? I can under stand sarcasm he said. Besides do you see any other wands in here? No but I do see a toll. Oh really where he had ask? I'm talking to it. "Ha!" Fake laugh. Oh I can tell. I had look over the wand trying to examining it to have a look see. Let's have ourselves a looks see. But the truth was that while I was looking this thing over. What I was really doing was looking around the room to see of which potions could help with an escape. And luckily I had notice over four kinds of things that could help. Frogs breath and Starfire. When mix together. Could do something. Magic dust and some more frogs breath. All of those things could easily knock Eric flat on his back. Making him pass out. But all together, could not only do that but could also create a large enough smoke clouds for me and Jake to get away. And as I had just thought of that a brilliant idea was born. I think that I may know that spell that should do the truck. Excellent Eric said. But in order for it to work. I'm afraid that I am going to need some ingredients in order to do it. Are you serious he had ask? And I then said to him. Do you want this to work or not? "Fine." What do you need. I am going to need a large pot to mix the stuff in. And then I am going to need some Magic dust. Some Starfire. And some frogs breath. How much? A lot. Fine then. Bug! He had shouted. Bug?! Hello? Bug where are you? Oh that's right I toss him to his death just a few hours ago. Then it looks like your goanna have to get the stuff your self. Ravenclaw. Just get that thing to work once I get you your things. Or else "Sam-I-Am." Will never be making Green Eggs and Ham ever again. While Eric had went off to fetch the thing that I told him to get. Back down in the dungeon Jake had just sat in the cell where Eric had left us at. Poor Jake had no wand or anything could help him get out of the cell in which he was trap in. But that wasn't going to stop him. "Uh." Groan Jake. Come on. Come on. Jake was trying to pick open the lock on the door unlock and the pointy end of a bone that he had found on the floor. Almost. Almost. I got it. He kept telling himself. I got it. I, SNAP! Went the bone. Don't got it. Well there goes my escape plan. Ohh. I just hope that dad Is doing better then I'm doing right now. Wait a second he said. Where did I get these bone from anyway? Jake had soon heard to sound of a fat large rat, claiming down a chain that was thighed into the wall. And that was not all Jake had gotten is answer on where the bone had came from. For he was not alone in that cell. No for you see he had a roommate. It was a skeleton. And it waved at him saying hi. Got my answer. Somebody help! He had screamed! Somebody get me out of here. I'll take help from anybody. Just right out in front of the cell. One of the stones in the floor had began to move. And then out of it had came. Here we are Bog said. The dungeon as promise. Nice going...bog right. Indeed yes. Well then...good job bog. Indeed Mimi added. If you weren't leading the way. We could have been lost done there forever. You are all very much welcome. Jake could see it but he was shock to believe it. But boy seeing Kim and the other alive was a sight for sour eyes. "Kim!" He had called out. Jake! Kim had rush over the cell doors and she had then given him the biggest hug that he had ever gotten in his life. I am so happy to see that your alright she told him. And I am so happy to see that your still alive. But I thought that you were. You should this about witches Jake said Mimi. Witches are crazy hard to kill. Really said Kim? Oh yes. Why do you think that Dorothy drop a house on the wicked witch? I thought that was an accident? Sure it was. Well come back to that later sue said. Right now let's get you out there. Unlock she said. And suddenly the cell door was open. Thanks for that he said. But Kim how did you know that I was down here. Bog here told me she said. And I want to say that I am so sorry for helping my master. But I had to, if I didn't he would have killed me like he just tried to. And I would be dead if Kim her didn't save me. I want to help you stop him. This nightmare has to end. Are you sure that we can trust this guy Jake had ask Kim. And she said to him with certainly. "Absolutely. " then okay. Broomy just said. So what is the plan now said Mimi. Now next said Kim. We find my mom and together we stop that bad bird once and for all. And save my dad said Jake. Wait. You dad my godfather. Is here too. Um hmm. It had turn out that the black arrow didn't kill him back in Catvillage. He just trap him and brought him here alive. Okay then. Change of plans we first find my mom and save godfather. Then we take down Eric. That sound like a good plan Kim said Mimi. I'm with you Kim said Jake. "Chirp chat." In Broomy's own words that was his way of saying. Let me at him. I'll give him a high yah. Broomy is in said Mimi. So how are we going to find them ask Jake. That is going to be a problem said Kim. Wait a second said Jake with a snap. Do you still have that moon bunny on you? Yes but why? My dad had once told me that moon bunnies are not only known taking anything shinny. But they also have a strong smile. Like a bloodhound's. So all I would need to do is just get him to stiff something that she gave me. That's not a bad idea. But while they were talking Mimi had heard a whaling sound. "Hey guys." Do you hear that? It's shadows said Bog. Quick down here. They all had quickly hurried down into the hole just in the nick of time as two shadow creatures had just enter the room. As they had went sniffing out the area on if there were trespasser in the castle. Down underneath the stone floor. Kim and the others were all hold their breaths, just praying that they would not be founds. None of them had made a sound. Not even the breath. Because even one little sound could have given them their location away. And when the shadows had found nothing. No signs of life, they had just decided to up and leave. "Are they goan." Whisper Jake? Bog had put on ear to the sealing and had lesion. And when there was not a sound to be heard. He had known that they had gone. It's all good he said. Oh thank goodness Kim had said. As they had all let out a huge sigh of relief. You got that right Jake had agreed. Well now that we have given those things the slip. Let's try and see if we can find where my old master has your mother hidden at. Right bog. So Kim had reach into her bag and pulled out the moon bunny. Okay so what should I used. It can be anything Mimi had told Kim. As long as it has her sent, he can track it. Then I think that I might have something. So Kim had had reach inside her pocket and had pulled out. Is that a silver pocket watch Jake had ask? My mommy gave this to me a long time ago. Said that it had belong to an old friend of her's. Will this do? There is only one way to find out. Okay then peter. Peter said Mimi. I needed to call him something. Now then. Get a good wiff. The moon bunny had taken a good sniff. That bunny had started to hop like a jumping bean. And had started to fallow the sent. I think he's got it Mimi said. Fallow that bunny. So they did. They had fallow fast behind that rabbit. Further and further down that tunnel. Just trying to keep him in their sights in that dark tunnel. I thought that rabbits could move fast. Said Jake. This guy is moving like a dog just smelled some kind food that had just been drop on the floor. You can say that again Said Kim. I wonder how far this bunny is going to go. Mimi would soon get her answer. For peter had soon came to grinding halt. Looks our trip down the rabbit hole end here. "Good job peter." Back in you go. And Kim had put him right back inside her bag. I guess that your mom must be behind her. She must be Kim said. This is where peter had stop at. Hey bog. What behind here Jake had ask? My master's study room. I've been in there before, but I didn't see anyone in there. Well then Kim said. Let take a look. Kim had open the secret door that was behind a bookshelf a crack open to look around. The cost is clear. So what now Jake ask? Try and loom around. See if you can find any where she could be hidden at. And so they all had search that whole room. They tore it a part just to find where Sophie was hidden at. Bog and Broomy had search all over Eric's desk. Mimi had check out some of the other drawers. While Jake was was trying to see if any of the small status cold open a secret compartment. And Kim did the same thing but just by taking off every book on the shelf that they had came in through. They a had look and look but they just could not find Kim's mom. And after of two hours of searching. Oh Jake sighed. Man it's no use. Jake don't say that she must be here. She has to be. Kim he said. We've look all over this room. We've practically tore it up just trying to find her. She not her. No screamed Kim. I didn't come all this way not find her. She's got to be her somewhere. She just. Kim said Mimi. I'm sorry but...she's not. No. I came all this way to rescue her. I just...I don't understand. I'm so sorry Mrs. Kim said Bog. Kim was just about to give up. When soon there had came a sound. "Tap." Tap." Hey what's that Jake ask? I don't know Broomy said in his own words. Tap. Tap. It sounds like taping said Mimi. But where's it coming from. They all and look around to locate the source of the noise. And as Kimmy was looking she had fallow the sound until it had became louder. "Hey guys." I think that it is coming from this crystal ball. There must be something in it Jake said. That's right. I always saw my master always talking to that like there might. Be someone inside it. Then I guess there is only one way to find out then. And with all of her straight. Kim had smash that thing hard as she could onto the floor. SMASH! It had went crashing to the ground. Then something else had happened. As the scattered pieces of the glass had spreaded onto the floor. It had turn into smoke and right before all of their eyes. Kim's mother had appeared. Mommy said Kim. And her mother had look upon her daughter and told her as she gave her a hug. I know you would find me. Both mother and daughter had hug one another with joy of seeing each other again. I was worried that I wasn't going to find you. But you did Kimmy. You did find me. My little witch. I can't talk all of the credit. I had a lot of help from friends. I can see that. Mrs. Witch said Bog. I just want to say that I am sorry for helping that. Bog isn't it? Yes ma'am. You don't have to worry. I forgive you and thank you for helping my daughter out. You're welcome he said with a smile. My I want you to meet Mimi. She my cat. I know Sophie said. We've met before. Thank you for looking after my daughter Mimi. Anything for my mistress. And this broom stick I take it is yours too? This is Broomy. Hello hr said. Very nice to meet you Broomy. And I know who this furry little guy is. "Hello." Jake. Wonderful to see you again Mrs. Sophie. Just want to say thank you both you and your father for help getting my daughter here. And she had then give Jake a kiss on the check. Which had turn his orange face red. Oh well. You're welcome. But Kim was the one who had put in all the hard work and did the most amazing things that my dad and I have ever seen. And speaking of which...we had better get him next too. Right Jake. So where is he? Where was I? I was in Eric's potion's room adding all of the stuff that I had ask for. Are these all the things that you will need Eric had ask me? Yes it is. Now let me make the potion. That means...back up. Still as bossy as I remember Eric said. And as he had back up. I put in the stair fire in. Then had splash the magic dust in a hurry. And then I had spread two huge sprits of Frog's breath. And then had mix it all together as fast as I could. And then a pinkish, purpleish smoke that had started to come from the cauldron. It rattled. It shook. As if it was about to blast off. What's happening Eric had ask? It's working. What? Is it suppose to be doing that? Why yes it is. Eric had taken a closer look at the brow. And as he did, I slowly back up and had taken in a deep breath. As the brow had went...BOOOOM!

kim's Incredible Journey by John fritz August 3,2020Where stories live. Discover now