8. Jessica's Kidnapping Plan

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Author's Note: Play Dance Of The Little Swans (Moderato) From Swan Lake.

Jessica's P.O.V.

As soon as Mom and Dad were asleep, I snuck out the house and headed to Sonic's house with the tools I'd need to catch him! When I got there, I saw that there was a sky light in the attic roof! So I used my climbing skills to get to the roof. Luckily for me, there was a bingbag chair right below the sky light, so I jumped through it. I quickly tied and gagged Sonic. However he started to stir awake with his ears twitching in reaction to the noise I was making!

Author's Note: Play this song as you read.

Sonic's P.O.V.

I started to stir when I heard someone land on my bingbag chair. However when I felt something being tied around me, especially my legs, and felt something being put in my mouth, I woke up instantly! I couldn't believe who I saw! It was Jessica! "Oh I see you're awake! Well I have access to a government official's contact! Now all I need is you"! Jessica explained viciously. After hearing that, I tried to scream for Donut Lord and/or Pretzel Lady, however the gag on my mouth, muffled my screams too much! "Don't even try that! It's no use. Oh and I knew to tie your legs extra tightly so you couldn't run! Now say good night"! Jessica exclaimed as she grabbed my baseball bat! Then everything went black!

Maddie's P.O.V.

I woke up when I heard Ozzy whimpering and putting his paws on the bedroom door. So I thought he needed to go outside to do his business. "Alright Ozzy I'm coming". I told Ozzy quietly as I went and opened the door. The moment I did he went straight to the attic/Sonic's bedroom door and started growling at it! "Ozzy are you okay"? I asked as I ran over to him. He just indicated to me that he wanted me to open the door. So I did just that and he ran right in. I followed after him, for something was definitely wrong and I needed to do something! When we got inside, we saw that Sonic's bed was empty! Sonic was gone!!! Ozzy began howling in sorrow for his friend. I knew I had to get Tom at that point and rushed back to our bedroom.

Tom's P.O.V.

I woke up to Maddie waking me up frantically. "Whoa Maddie what's wrong"? I asked full of worry when I saw how distressed she was. "Sonic's missing, I think he was kidnapped"! Maddie said as she sobbed in my arms! "Shh it's going to be okay honey. Just calm down. I'm going to take Ozzy and go look for him, you stay here in case he shows up". I told Maddie as I quickly got dressed. "Okay Tom just be careful and bring him home"! Maddie said as she calmed down. "I will Maddie I promise"! I told her and gave her a quick kiss before leaving the house with Ozzy.

Jessica's P.O.V.

I knew I would be seen if I went through town. So I took the path in the woods, that I used as a short cut when walking home from school sometimes. Then I heard somebody in the distance! It was Shariff Tom! So I ran even faster.

Sonic's P.O.V.

I could hear Ozzy and Donut Lord looking for me! I woke quickly and began to make as much noise as I could through the gag to lead them to me. "Stop it you rat"! Jessica exclaimed hostilely and that got me mad, but I was too scared to activate my electricity power! So as tears fell down my face, I continued to scream and struggle. But I couldn't get out of her grip! Then Ozzy suddenly stopped in front of us! "Hey get out of my way mutt"! Jessica exclaimed hostilely as she pushed Ozzy out of her way!

Author's Note: Song ends.

Author's Note: Play this song during this scene

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