20. Where are You Sonic

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Play Smoking Gun by Kevin MacLeod

Marina's P.O.V.

We finally arrived in Washington DC."Okay since it's so late, we'll go to a hotel for the night and start the search for Sonic in the morning". Tom said as we left the gate. "Great idea Tom, let's hurry because we all are about to collapse"! Jessica said playfully as she started to yawn! "Wow really Jessica? You were tired out by sitting in a plane for 5 hours and 15 minutes straight"?! I asked teasingly in disbelief. Then we all laughed as we made our way to the nearest hotel. "Hey guys, I know this is kind of a crazy idea. But do you think it's worth the try to call Sonic's phone? I mean let him him know that we're coming and he might be able to tell us where he is exactly. Yes I know there's a risk that they took his phone away, he doesn't pick up, or they catch him calling us and destroy the phone. However it's the best shot we got to finding him faster". I asked trying to reassure them that, I know what I was thinking of was the best bet. "Yeah it's a risk, but let's do it"! Tom said in agreement.

Play Brianna's sorrow From Bratz Fasion Pixiez

Shadow's P.O.V.

I was sleeping somewhat peacefully, when I woke to hear Sonic being restless in his cell! "No... don't take me away!! No Longclaw"!!! Sonic screamed in his sleep as he tossed and turned! "Sonic wake up it's just a nightmare"! I said trying to wake him up however doing it from my cell, which was across the hall from him was not very effective, obviously. So I quickly looked around to make sure no one was watching, and then I used Chaos Control to teleport me into Sonic's cell. I was about to try and wake him again, when I witnessed something that would haunt me for a very long time! "MOMMY DADDY DON'T LET THEM HURT ME"!!! Sonic howled in horror! What haunted me about it was seeing him so vulnerable! Especially after seeing how optimistic and enthusiastic he usually is from what I witnessed before he passed out from exhaustion earlier. So I ran over to him shaking him a little violently, to wake him up more effectively! "Sonic it's okay! It's just a nightmare! Wake up and it will go away"! I said as I continued to try to wake him.

Finally after several minutes, he woke up sobbing hysterically into my chest as he hugged me desperately! I even noticed that his quills were glowing electric blue! I've never seen anything like it! Immediately my instincts took over and I hugged him back tightly, rocking him back and forth! "Shhhhh it's okay Sonic I'm here for you. It's over now". I cooed to Sonic as I did this I even started rubbing circles on his back to help calm him down more. "T-Thank you Shadow". Sonic said right before he passed out again! I was starting to worry about him, since this is the second time he passed out today! Maybe it was a side effect of that serum that guard injected him with after all, it was experimental. For some reason I felt curious, I heard that scratching someone behind the ears soothes them abundantly more than anything else, so I did just that to Sonic. And it turned out I was right because then I could hear him purring softly! I still couldn't understand how someone could have the gall to hurt such an innocent guy like him, like this! It's absolutely disgusting! Once I was sure he was back to sleep, I was ready to Chaos control myself back to my own cell before anyone could notice I left it in the first place.

Play Plaint by Kevin MacLeod

However I heard a phone ringing, so I twitched my ears in the direction of it. It was coming from Sonic! Sonic was definitely the clever one, he was able to hide his phone from the guards. Apparently I seemed to have soothed him too well, cuz he was not responding to it. So I decided to answer it for him, because I wanted him to get some sleep tonight! Then I grabbed his phone carefully and teleported back to my own cell so the phone conversation wouldn't disturb his peaceful sleep. "Hello who is this"? I asked cautiously.

 "Hello who is this"? I asked cautiously

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