You hear your sister come in the house . You: Come say hi to my dad . You guys get up , and go down stairs . Dad: Tyrese , man you grew . You:lol he was a tiny lil thing huh daddy . Tyrese: Be quiet lol *Shakes his hand . Dad:Nice to see you guys here . You grab Tyrese hand , He holds you . You: Me && Heaven are gonna go pick up some close in a minute let me get dressed though alright heaven . Your Wearing : You:Kay guys we'll be back . Tyrese:Hold up ,*Pulls out wallet and hands you money . You:Thank you baby . You && Heaven are shopping in the mall when you see Mindless behavior Prince See's You . Heaven runs to Them . Heaven:Can i please get you autograph ! You run to get her . You:sorry guys , come on Heaven . Prod:Nah it's cool , really . Signing autograph . You:Thank you . Prod:*Winks at you . You And Heaven walk away . Prod: Shes cute . Prince:She has a boy friend . Prod: How you know ? Prince:Cause i tried to get with her , lets go . He turns to walk away . You and Heaven go to lids to Buy Tyrese some hats .
"Gummi Bears"
FanfictionFOLLOW MY NEW WattPad Official_Dee_ I'm going to be writing Again !!!!!