Chapter One

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(Name) sat, cuddled up in her chair, looking out the frosted window. Freshly fallen, undisturbed, snow covered the ground like a blanket, some sticking to the trees. The dark sky was full of shining stars and the moon lit up the outdoors in an almost mystical way.

(Name)'s (eye colour) orbs scanned over the snow, the traveled up to the sky. That's where he was. He was in heaven. Her boyfriend, Alfred Jones, had been found dead two days ago. It took a toll on (Name), and to make things worse, Matt, Alfred's brother had gone missing a day after Alfred's death.

(Name) felt a lump form in her throat at the thought, tears beginning to spill down her cheeks. She brought her hand up to her face, wiping the tears with sleeve of her (favorite colour) sweater. Sniffling, she wrapped her arms around her self, burying her face into them. She knew Alfred would be mad at her for crying, tell her that he was in better place now, but he couldn't.

The (hair colour)-haired girl unwrapped her arms and stood up, walked over to the window, pressing her hand against the cold pane. She looked out the window, many shadows from the trees darkened the area, making her front yard seem more desolate then it was. Desolate. That was how (Name) felt.

Never had she felt so alone. But, just because she felt alone, didn't mean she was alone.

From what sounded like it was coming from the back door, was a bang. Not a loud one, but one that was so almost quite enough to miss. Almost. (Name) spun around, her (hair colour) locks flying as she moved. Shakily, she reached over for the closest thing to use as a weapon, which happened to be a pair of scissors that were on the coffee table.

(Name) gripped the scissors tightly in her grip, holding her weapon close to her chest. She slowly walked from the living room to the kitchen ((the back door is in the kitchen)). It was dark, and (Name) couldn't see a thing in the dimly lit room. She silently leaned against the wall, running her hands around it, trying to find a light switch.

Why was she going near the source of the sound? 'Cause she had been paranoid lately. Afraid someone might come to kill her next. (Name)'a breathing grew quick and uneven, her heart pounding against her chest. She slowly neared the back door.

Finally approaching the door, she looked out. Nothing. There was nothing there. She sighed out in relief . "It was probably an animal.. or the wind," (Name) muttered to herself, setting down the scissors on the counter in the kitchen. She ran a hand through her (hair length) locks, combing them out of her face.

(Name) walked back into the living room, which, for some reason, had all it's lights turned off, leaving the room completely dark. "T-That's strange, I swore I left the lights on. Did I turn them off..?" (Name) asked to no one in particular.

"No, but I did~"

(Name) froze. No. She wasn't alone now. She was to scared to move. Her body began shaking as beads of sweat formed on her hair line. A cold wind blew through her hair, making her shudder. Footsteps echoed through the room, it sounded like they were circling her.

The sound of walking stopped right behind (Name). The whole room fell into an eerie silence, one that would make most uncomfortable. (Name) turned her head, feeling like someone was only a few inches away from her.

From behind, (Name) felt a pair of arms snake around her waist, a chin rest against her shoulder. The person holding (Name) remove one arm from around her waist, putting their free hand over (Name)'s mouth. (Name) whimpered into her captor's hand, tears beginning to fall.

"Shh.. Maple leaf, don't cry. You're safe now," a voice whispered in her ear. The voice sound so familiar yet so foreign to her. Instead of calming her, the voice only made (Name) panic more.

"Please.. Please let m-me go," (Name) begged into her captor's hand. "I'm afraid I can't do that~ Tell me, (Name), do you know who I am?" the voice asked. "N-No.."

"Well, you'll find out soon enough."

That was the last thing (Name) heard before a chloroform rag was placed over her nose and mouth, forcing her to breath in the sweet smelling chemicals before everything went black.


A/N: Hello! First, I'd like to thank you for reading!! I'm sorry if I've made a few mistakes, but I'll fix them if I find them! I know, this chapter was kinda short, but I'll try to make longer ones in the future! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. I'm actually really excited to be writing this series, and I hope you continue reading!


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