Chapter Two

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~Le time skip~

(Name) was currently laying on the couch, her eyes felt like they were being held down by lead. Her head was pounding and her body felt numb, the drug that knocked her out still had a slight affect. (Name)'s glassy (eye colour) orbs opened slowly, scanning the room. Nothing seemed out of place, lights were one, nothing was moved or missing, had she imagined the whole thing. "It felt so real.." (Name) muttered, sitting up and bringing her hands up to her head.

(Name) slowly massaging her temples, soothing the pounding head ache that racked her brain. "I-It was real," a soft voice murmured, barely audible from behind (Name). Whipping her head around, (Name)'s stiff neck made a sickening cracking noise. Cringing, she pushed herself off the couch, eyes wandering about the room. Where..?

"Over here," the voice remained soft, but was somewhat demanding. (Name) finally turned, facing the speaker, who currently resided in an arm chair, looking like a total wreck. "Ma-Mattie..?" (Name)'s voice quivered, hands shakily covering her mouth. "Matt!" She cried again, throwing herself at him, ignoring the pain in her head and neck.

Matthew returned the embrace, smiling in a sickly sweet fashion, resting his head on her shoulder. He let out a few gentle breaths before whispering,

"I've waited so long... For him to be gone, and to take you as my own."

Not getting a moment to process the words, (Name) was thrown to the ground, making the pain in her neck and head worsen, and spread through her now quivering body. She looked up at Matt, a mixed look of shock and fear spread across her sickly pale face. "M-Matt?" she chocked on her words, still in disbelief. Who wouldn't be shocked after being slammed to the ground by someone so kind and gentle?

Kind and gentle? What a laugh, there was nothing kind, nor gentle about the Canadian anymore... He's finally lost it; he's snapped. All the problems he had, they were caused by them. His brother, Alfred, always was getting the attention, leaving quite little Mattie all alone. But now, Alfred was dead, his blood on Matt's hands. Arthur was always to busy to even notice Matt, and now he was gone too, killed only last night. And finally, Francis, the one who Matt thought he could trust, but only thought he was crazy, I'm sure you can see where this is going...

But, of all those he knew, there was (Name). Sweet, lovely (Name). His pride and joy, who was with him through thick and thin, and now, she was gonna be his. Hopefully. If she rebels, well, let's hope she doesn't, or a similar fate would be met by her as the others.

Matt leant down to (Name)'s now crippled form, giving the (hair colour) haired girl a chance to see him more clearly- red hoodie ripped, darker patches bleeding through the fabric. His jeans were wet with melted snow. His hands were bandaged up, his hair was tussled, thin framed glasses now bent slightly and lenses cracked. Behind the frames were a pair of dull, violet eyes. He had (Name) not noticed this all at first glance? This wasn't the Matt she knew, this couldn't be.

Allowing that dark smiling to appear on his lips, Matt pounced onto (Name), resting himself lightly on her lower torso, his hands tightly gripping her wrists.

"Matt!" (Name) repeated, louder this time, her voice raspy. "Oui?" Matt's smile turned from dark to innocent in the drop of a hat. (Name) stayed quiet for a moment before speaking, "What.. What are you doing?"

Matt blinked a few times before getting off (Name) and looking around, "Eh..?" Matt began to mutter quietly to himself, (Name) being out of earshot to hear. He then looks at (Name), as she begins to speak again, "What's happened to you?"

A/N: 'Ello, sorry for the delay, and this chapter would have been up if it weren't for it being Halloween night, and I'm already bothering the neighbors' kids. Oops. Anyways- question: should there be two endings? A good and a bad? :3

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