IV. Inner And Outer Conflicts

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Chapter Four

After all the ships are unloaded, Dad and Uncle John go and get pizza, so all of us sit at our kitchen table and eat some dinner. The conversation at the table is mostly directed towards Stevie and me. Uncle Sam asks Stevie extensive questions about his art projects, while Uncle John and Aunt Jade do the same about the medical textbooks I've been reading. Mom and Dad talk with Uncle Everett about some business back home, but by the looks in their eyes, I can tell they're trying to distract themselves from worrying about us. They keep glancing back at us as dinner presses on, like they're checking on us. I can tell the others are trying to distract us as well, and it's only slightly working.

I already miss Wakanda, I miss the rest of our family, I miss Zy...but I'm trying to remember that tomorrow I'll get a taste of normalcy, something I've only ever dreamt of. I'm trying to ignore the ache in my heart and take a page out of Mom's book: focus on the positives. Stevie is enjoying the distraction, he could go on for hours about his artwork, and rightfully so. He has a gift, just like Uncle Khari.

Once dinner is done, Stevie goes over to watch tv with Uncle Sam and Uncle Everett, while Mom starts to talk quietly with Dad, Uncle John, and Aunt Jade. They clearly don't want me to be part of the conversation, so I can only guess it's a conversation about work. I decide to go out into the backyard and sit on the porch, taking in the brisk night air of Long Island, of my new home.

It isn't long after I get out here that Dad sits down on the porch next to me, commenting: "Long Island might be pretty, but it has nothing on Wakanda."

"Nothing does."

Dad glances sideways at me, lowering his voice as he asks: "How are you doing?"

I shrug, giving him an honest answer: "I don't know. I really want to go to a regular school and try being a normal kid, its something I've always wanted to experience, but I miss home."

I see Dad nod out of the corner of my eye, his figure rising and falling as he sighs. "When your mother and I first got together we talked a lot about whether we should have kids or not, because we knew that if we did, that they would be forced with powers and forced into a life they didn't ask for. I'm sorry that this is the only way you can ever experience normalcy, I know it isn't fair."

I shake my head, turning my body to face my father. "Dad, don't blame yourself, it's not yours or Mom's fault. I love my powers, I love my life...it's just complicated. I know how important being a hero is...I'm just not sure if I want that job. I'm not sure what I want with my life. But I'm grateful that you and Mom are going to such great lengths to give me and Stevie choices, so that I can figure out what I want. That's why you're such great parents."

Dad smiles at me softly, his voice still quiet. "We try."

I rest my head against his shoulder, wrapping my arm around his. "Stevie will come around, I think he'll like this new life. He never stays unhappy for long, he always finds something to be positive about."

Dad chuckles, resting his head against mine. "He's definitely his mother's son."

I find myself chuckling too, curling up closer against my father's side. Dad turns his head slightly and kisses the top of my head, releasing another soft exhale before asking me: "Watch out for your brother tomorrow? He may come around eventually, but this transition will be hard for him."

I nod against his shoulder, assuring him: "I'll take care of him, I promise."

Dad squeezes my arm, and even though I can't see his face, I can tell he's smiling as he says: "That's my girl."

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