Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

When Ana arrived at the First Aid department of the Hospital, it was strenuous to encounter a parking space on the northeast side of the building. At the moment, at least she was not apprehensive about her grandmother’s surrounding. Elisa was already in the First Aid room with the first aid assistant. Ana did not hesitate to ask to enter this room, after identifying herself as the granddaughter of Mrs. Elisa Merkens-Koster. She was no stranger here, but she did not want to interfere with the rules of the hospital. When she noticed a doctor attending Elisa, Ana stood at the door and tried not to interrupt this process. After the doctor performed a quick scan examination she surmised to place Mrs. Merkens-Koster under observation. She reserved a hospital room for Elisa. The doctor wanted some X-ray pictures taken to see how severe the injury was. In the beginning, she wanted to send Elisa back home because she noticed that Elisa was not complacent with hospital policies. The doctor overheard patient Merkens say to the assistant that she absolutely was not going to stay a night in the hospital. Elisa clearly disseminated her discernment about the service in the hospital because she heard all kinds of stories of her friends that have been hospitalized. The first aid assistant said jokingly that these stories were told by visitors whom were accustomed to hotel service and sadly enough she said laughing, a hospital was not elevated for that purpose. Elisa apprehended that the hospital was not a hotel. However, she expected at least a hygienic environment and someone to be present in case of any complications concerning her medication or health. Another first aid assistant understood Elisa’s uneasiness and told her that at the moment, it is indispensable to abandon the hospital because her injuries need to be monitored, and any movement she made at home could make her health situation detrimental. Meanwhile, Ana called two of the children of Elisa, whom still lived on the island. Elisa became pregnant with twelve children during her marriage with Marco Merkens. Five children died; two were miscarriages; one died after a year, one died after birth and the other one died when she was six-year old. Of the seven children who survived, five decided to live abroad, and two reside on the island. The two who settled on the island are Martha, Ana’s mother, and Saturnino. In have an hour after Ana appraised both, they came rushing to the hospital. They remise in the room of the First Aid together with their sister, Augustina. Ana decided to stay in the First Aid room to assist Elisa, in case there were any questions or uncertain issues concerning Elisa's health situation. While still standing in the room, she understood that Elisa definitely had to stay over, even though Elisa constantly was trying to convince the doctor that it was not necessary. At the end, Ana saw how her grandmother had to abandon her fight. It was obvious to everyone, Elisa was debilitated. In the short time she was in the room, it could also be seen on her face expressions. She was still under pain. Mamachi was eminent to Ana, and when Ana saw the pale face Elisa had at the moment it was like Ana was reading a somber book. It was clear to her that Mamachi was in great discomfort, and returning home was unquestionable. After the necessary paperwork was completed, Ana and Mamachi’s children went to the hospital room to contemplate Elisa’s accommodation. For a while, all family members stood near Elisa’s bed. Not long after, Elisa eyes were half opened and had a far stare. The family decided to let her get some sleep. Arrangements were made and Ana will accompany Elisa today, and her children will visit her on the other days. The hospital had scheduled visiting hours, and they needed to comply with that. After everyone resigned and Ana stayed at the bedside of her grandmother, she looked at Elisa’s thin face and noticed how peaceful she slept. The doctor told Ana she gave Elisa a sedative for the pain, so Elisa could rest a little. Ana was gratified with Elisa’s quiet room, so she could indeed rest, being a woman of such a high age. Ana took a chair that was in the room and moved it near to the bed and placed her hand in her grandmother’s hand. Even though her high age, Elisa’s hand was nice and smooth. Once upon a time her mother confessed to her about Elisa’s request to her husband Marco. Every month Marco had to buy all kinds of creams for the body, face and hand. This action really paid off because Elisa’s skin had a glare and glitter appearance. While Ana was getting relaxed in her chair she was amazed how fast the years linger. Suddenly a happy little girl appeared in front of Ana. Astonished she realized this girl was an impersonator…

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