Chapter 2 - a big mistake

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"Yes?" a familiar voice responded. As Fern turns around he saw a familiar face, it was the same guy he bumped into earlier this morning. 

"Hi, Sebastian!" Louise greeted

 "ooh, baby girl call me Emilio I don't like people calling me by my second name" Sebastian replied, 

"you again?! do you even realize that it was your fault on why I wasn't able to present my report which I stayed up all night making?" Fern said while facing Sebastian,

 "Woah calm down little chihuahua, I didn't know you were in a hurry because you need to present something" Sebastian replied with a smirk on his face.

 "Hey, guys what's up?" Deran asked "oh I see you've already met Emilio," Deran said with a surprised look on his face, 

"Hey, Baby!" Katarina greeted Deran with a Kiss on Deran's cheek,

 "Hey, Babe! you should've texted me that you guys are coming over" "oh yeah I forgot, next time I'll text you".

 "Katarina!" the barista called Kat's name informing that their order was ready

 Deran voluntarily got up to help Kat to get their order,

 "so Emilio do you want to eat with us?" Louise trying to flirt 

"Louise! why would you-"

 "I would like to but my girlfriend is calling me to have lunch with her, so I'm leaving, Tell Deran I'm off!" Sebastian answered as he walks towards the door.

 "Louise, what were you thinking?"


 "Hey guys the food is here," Kat said with a big smile on her face,

 "where did Emilio go?" Deran asked 

"Oh, Emilio? he said his girlfriend was calling and said she wants to have lunch with him" Louise replied. 

"oh ok," Deran answered while nodding his head. 

As they were eating Kat couldn't help but ask Fern if he was ok, 



"Are you ok now?" Kat asked

Fern was in silence after he heard that question, he felt tears coming out of his eyes and soon he finds himself crying in front of his friends 

"No No Fern don't cry, It's alright, we're here, I'm sorry for asking," Kat told Fern,

 "Kat! what were you thinking, asking him that question? you know when he cries he gets really ugly!" Louise responded

 "you know at least I think" Kat replied,

 Louise putting up her middle finger.

 they continue to comfort Fern

 "soon I'll know who did it" Fern mumbling while crying.

 as soon as Fern stopped crying, they went back on eating their lunch and headed back to the campus.

"Guys Evan said that Sir needs to attend a meeting this afternoon so does that mean we don't have classes this afternoon?" Louise asked 

" I don't know Lou, Maybe" Kat sarcastically replied

 "how about we go to the cafeteria? let's just sit there until it's 5" Fern suggested,

 "yeah let's go". Three of them headed straight to the cafeteria and sat down on a round table near the door, "guys I'll be right back! I'll just go buy jelly donuts, I heard they are now selling cute mini ones too" Louise told the two 


 "So Fern, have you went to the police station?" Kat asked 

"yes but the sight of the shooting is far from the nearest surveillance camera, so the surveillance camera didn't capture any evidence or footage that can lead to a suspect"Fern replied

"oh ok, have you asked the people who lived in that neighborhood if they knew someone who was there or witnessed the shooting?" Kat asked 

"Actually no, I'll try to go there this weekend" "oh ok" Kat replied. as the two were talking they hear a familiar voice, 

"Hey Baby!" It's Deran and his Gang, Fern assumed that when Deran is around, Sebastian would be too. 

"Hey guys I'm just gonna go look for Louise," Fern told Kat and the others, and they all agreed.

 Fern was looking for Louise when he saw Inigo (Inigo was his Ex who cheated on him with another girl) he knew that he needed to come up with something, he saw a guy who just got out of a classroom, so he grabbed that guy and started to kiss him on the lips, He kept on kissing the guy until he was sure that Inigo passed behind his back, as he opens his eyes he was shocked.      


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