I'm takin' a break

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Hey guys so I know I haven't been updating this story to begin with but I have a few good reasons why....

First.... my friends are always spamming and bugging me to one, update this damn thing and two, tell me how to run MY  book and because of that i've become more and more FUCKING PISSED and more and more unmotivated to continue even i BARELY just fucking started this story.

Second.... i've become more and more stressed out and suicidal lately.... DON'T WORRY... this isn't me saying my final goodbye!!!! I'm way too fucking hard-headed and stubborn to fucking die. I'm also stressed out cuz i'm officially starting school next week and i'll be graduating soon so yea that put a fucking lot of stress and pressure on my plate.

Also.... don't worry i'm not quitting Wattpad just yet and I already gotta project in mind so look out for that!! I hope y'all understand y i'm suddenly dropping this story and if u don't.... I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD DON'T SPAM ME IN MY FUCKING DMS CUZ IT'S ONLY GET ME MORE PiSSED OFF!!!! Anyway if y'all would like to talk to me just send me a friend request at Lord Satan (Deku)#3617 on Discord i'm on there pretty much 24/7 so I should respond pretty quickly!! Anyway goodbye my fellow weebs and otakus!!!! L.K. OUT!!!!

The Werewolf and The Emotionless Demon  (on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now