#06 | first meet

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You pace around the living room, something that you've been doing for a couple of minutes, knowing Seokjin is going to be here any second. Even though you agreed to his recent text, you're still not sure about it. It's only fair for him to properly meet his son.

You never tried to contact him and neither did he, until a few days ago after your visit to his office. For a moment you thought he changed his mind – about wanting to be in Yoojin's life – since he didn't text you for a few days. But now he's coming over and you feel like you're going to throw up from the nerves.

When was the last time you were this nervous?

Breaking news to Hoseok after you came from Seokjin's company wasn't the easiest thing. He could see your pale face as soon as you came home, which only led him to ask you a million questions. So you told him – everything. From that time he visited the hospital to see Yoojin to when he sent you money, which was the cause of your visit.

Hoseok, the good friend he is, didn't get angry for you not telling him sooner. In a way, he understands you and your decision

Maybe it's better for everyone that he's working now, so he won't be here when Seokjin finally comes. Although, you'd appreciate some presence different than Seokjin himself, but this is for the best. Hoseok isn't very fond of him and the same thing goes for Seokjin. The last thing you need is for them to fight, you know they'd be capable of that.

And when you finally hear a firm knock on the front door, you think about hiding somewhere so you don't have to face him, but that's just ridiculous. You've to overcome this feeling, he's going to be in your life from now on. But he's not here for you, he's here to meet his son.

"You came," you breathe out a shaky breath, looking at the tall man in surprise when you see him.

He's not wearing his usual suit, the only thing you've ever seen him to wear and for a second you think if it's really him. He wears a jeans, freaking jeans, with black oversized hoodie covering his broad shoulders. If he notices your stare, he doesn't seem to be phased by it as he brushes his long fingers through his dark hair.

"I told you I'd came, didn't I?" he says with no particiular emotion or tone behind it, which doesn't help your nerves at all.

"You did." you almost whisper, grabbing the door knob tighter in your hold as he coughs looking straight at you.

Rather feeling awkward you feel a weird tension between you two. You can't be the only one who feels uncomfortable right now. He surely has to feel it as well.


"Well, are you going to let me in or?" he asks dumbfounded and you blush in embarrassment at his blunt question.

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