Fictional Rendition

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        Zero sat patiently behind the counter of her bar, twirling a straw between her fingers and half listening to her friend's story. She was tired and annoyed and frankly had wished to be anywhere but there.

        "Are you even listening to me?" Kate snapped and snatched the straw from Zero's hand. "What do I do about Chris?"

        Zero sighed and looked at her. "I don't know. Tell him how you feel. The other girl doesn't seem too important." She looked down at the reflecting glass that made the counter. She stared intently at her reflection. Her dusty rose colored hair fell daintily over her shoulder, barely covering her left breast. She wore her favorite faded floral dress that revealed ll of her tattoos, along her legs and part of her upper arm. She didn't feel as though she were attractive as Kate.

        Kate noticed her silence and sat impatiently. Kate had ruby red locks that fell to her lower back, and she tended to only dress in black and dark colors. She was beautiful, and Zero had felt ashamd being compared to her at all.



        "You're doing it again." She pursed her lips and reached her hand out to Zero.

        "I know, I'm sorry. I really thought he cared about me though. Zack was supposed to be the one..."

        "You live and you learn, bitch, now lets go."

        They both laughed and Zero began cleaning up. Just as soon as they were about to depart, a mysterious figure entered the bar. Kate cursed and sank back in her chair. Zero stood in awe at the tall man who was slowly making his way to the bar.

        "Kate, you can go I'll catch up to you.."

        "Pfft. Fine. I absolutely fucking hate this place I hope you know that." She angrily stomped off, and the man snickered silently.

        "You keep good company, miss." His voice was raspy and deep, it sent chills down Zero's spine and intrigued her.

        She blushed lightly and spoke as clearly as possible. "She isn't as harsh and bitchy as she likes to act, she's just irritable today."

        "Mhmm." She loomed over the counter and looked at her through shadowed eyes. "What do you serve here?"

        "Depends on what you'd like." Zero leaned under the bar and pulled out a full bottle of Jack Daniel's Whiskey. "Name your poison."

        "Everclear." He smiled softly and sat back slightly on the stool.

        She smiled in return and fetched his glass, quickly and swiftly serving his drink. "What brings you here, sir?"

        He sighed and tipped back his glass, swallowing its contents all at one then set the glass on the table. "I needed a break. I'm sort of just traveling."

        "Ah. I see. May I ask your name?"

        "Cross. You can call me Cross. How about you, little miss?"

        "You can call me Zero."

        "Zero isn't a very nice name.''

        "It isn't meant to be." She chuckled and he did the same.

        They sat in silence for a few moments, analyzing each other silently. Smiled and small nervous chuckles were exchanged until the silence was broken. They spoke for two hours about anything and everything. She was slowly beginning to like this new stranger until he stood slowly and announced his departure. She gave a weak grin and said her goodbyes, as he winked and made his way out the door, assuring her that he would be by again, some time.

        A few days had passed before he made his appearance again. Kate had stayed this time, though, deciding to make herself known.

        "So you're this Cross guy huh? What's your deal? The shady expressions and shit?"

        Zero slanted her mouth. "Leave him alone, he's pretty cool in my opinion."

        Cross smirked and ruffled her hair playfully. "Well thank you. I don't need you to defend me though." He sat at the bar beside Kate and Zero and they all enjoyed a rather brief conversation. Kate every so often took an opportunity to  stand and flaunt herself to this new man, and Zero didn't like it but allowed her to do so. Cross didn't seem to notice and was mostly paying attention to Zero, who stayed very quiet.

        "What's the matter?"

        "I'm sorry?"

        "Something's bothering you."

        "No, I'm fine." She managed a small smile and looked back to Kate. "Hey you remember that one guy that you were talking about? Apparently his name is actually Leo, not Chris."

        "What? Who told you?"

        "He did." She laughed. "I told you he was a liar. He's done that twice already I don't know why you like him."

        "Eh, well I have options."

        Cross looked at his watch and frowned. "Shit, I have to go. But I will be back later maybe." He hugged Zero hurriedly and made his way out the door.

        Kate spoke first. "He's interesting. I think I like him. Can you ask him about me later? Please?"

        The words stung Zero. "Uhm... sure. I'll ask him."

        Kate raised an eyebrow. "Do you like him?"

        Zero jumped. "No. I only just met him, that's crazy."

        "Good. Well I'll talk to you later. I have to go and check my dog then help my mom clean up around the house."

        "Alright, see ya." Zero sat in silence thinking about Cross. Do I really like him already? I can't.. That's impossible. She refused the thought and sighed. Knowing that every guy they knew was more interested in Kate, she was expecting the worst in advance so that the disappointment would hurt her less.

        After about ten minutes, Cross reentered the bar and sat beside her and nudged her arm.

        "Hey, little miss. You okay?"

        "Oh.. Yeah. Hey."

        He smiled in return. "Hello."

        She smiled and sat up a bit. "So I need to ask you something."

        He sighed slightly. "Shoot."

        "What do you think of Kate?"

        He tilted his head in confusion and looked into her eyes inquisitively. "Your friend? Why do you ask?"

        "She likes you."

        He snickered. "Oh god."

        Zero perked up in surprise. "What?"

        "Well she isn't my type. She strike me as very annoying and childish. I don't like her. If anything you would actually be my type. I like talking to you and you're a pretty cool girl. But I have a girlfriend anyway so it doesn't matter you know?"

        Zero sat in silence, absorbing each word. She smiled slightly and then it faded upon realizing that he was already in a relationship. "Oh, alright then. I'll tell her."

        Cross leaned over and hugged her. "You might meet her one of these days, she's great. You should like her. You guys are alike, kind of."

        "That would be nice, sure."

        They stood quiet for a bit and then began talking about music and everything each other liked. Sadly, Zero was beginning to like him the more about him she knew. She was glad to have him as a friend and also a bit frustrated that she couldn't keep her feelings under control. She was curious about how he had felt but didn't bother to ask. One thing she new for sure was that hey would be really good friends, for a very long time.

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