Chapter 3- Roosevelt High

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I walk down the front steps of the apartment building, and head in the direction of my new school. Chris is walking behind me, making sure to stay a good few feet away from me. Something about not wanting people to know we're related.

I feel butterflies in my stomach, but try to ignore them.

About ten minutes later, I'm standing outside of Roosevelt High. Students are crowded around the building. I see multiple clusters of students, who all seem to be invested in their own conversations. I notice a group of girls, and head to them. On my way I step on a boys foot. I glance at him and he pushes his blue glasses back up onto his nose. "I'm so sorry!" I quickly say. He blushes.

"It's alright. I'm used to it." He clutches his books close to his chest. "My name is Elijah, but you can call me Eli." He awkwardly holds his hand out. I shake it. "My name is (yn). It's great to meet you but I've got to get going. See you around!!" I quickly bolt off, leaving Eli scratching the back of his brown hair. I walk up to the group of girls who look to be about my age. I tap one of their shoulders and she turns around. Her Curly purple hair is pulled into a messy bun, and she's wearing a rock band tee shirt with a green jacket overtop. "Can I help you?" She asks in a monotone voice, blowing a bubble with her gum.

"Uh, yes. Could you please point me in the direction of the principals office? It's my first day." I nervously admit.

"First door on your left." Her bubble inflates and pops.

"Okay, Thankyou!" I say, rushing off. I step into the office and walk up to the woman at the front desk. She has short blond hair, and pink rosy cheeks, shes sitting at her chair busily typing on her computer. "Hello!" I say smiling.

The woman smiles and turns to face me, pulling her glasses down. "Why hello there! Can I help you young lady?" She asks in a thick British accent.

"Yes. My names (yn) (yln), Today's my first day here and I was wondering if you could get me my schedule?" I rock back and forth on my feet.

"Of course! My name is Mrs. Anderson by the way, sweetheart. You can come to me if you ever need help." She says searching through a drawer.

"Of course." I nod my head.

An awkward silence fills the room and the only sound becomes the red clock on the wall ticking, and the muffled sound of students talking and laughing in the halls.

Mrs. Anderson hands me a sheet of paper and smiles, explaining how the schedule worked. I headed out of the office and up the stairs to the second floor for my first class, Chemistry. I walk into the classroom and glance around the room. Students are seated at black tables that hold two, chatting and taking notes. Suddenly a woman(I'm assuming the teacher) turns to me. "Oh! You must be (yn). It's great to have you here." The woman looked incredibly young, no older than 25. She had pale skin and bright blue eyes. She was wearing light makeup, and her light brown hair was cascading down her back. "My name is Miss Cutler, I'll be your chemistry teacher this year."

"It's nice to meet you." I say.

Miss Cutler claps her hands twice. "Class, settle down! I want to introduce you to (yn)! She'll be joining our class." Miss Cutler quickly scans the room and notices an open seat. She points to a table with a boy who has dark raven black hair with a single blue streak going through it, light blue eyes, and rosy cheeks splattered with freckles. "Why don't you go sit next to Varian." She says, smiling. I nod and sit next to the boy, who gives me a shy wave.

I later find out that Varian it seems, is actually incredible at Chemistry. He says that he wants to be an alchemist when he gets older, but his dad is extremely strict about what he does.

As I exit the classroom waving goodbye to Varian, I bump into someone. "HEY WATCH WHERE YOU'RE-going..." a voice yells at me. I look up to see a boy with black side shaved hair. He has deep brown eyes, and a gray hoodie with ripped jeans and old sneakers.

"I'm so sorry..." I say, quickly picking up the boys books and papers. "It's alright. I'm sorry for snapping at you. I thought you were one of those doofuses who don't pay any attention to their surroundings." The boy says, rolling his eyes. "Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you around."

"Yes. My name is (yn). And you?" I say, handing him a couple of books.

"That's classified information." He says, snatching the books.

"Your name is classified?" I ask, sarcasm creeping into my voice.

"Yes. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a history class to get to." The boy quickly stands up, and before I even turn around, he's disappeared into the crowd of students.


I sit down at a bench on the school's rooftop, slowly eating my lunch. Multiple clusters of students stand and sit around, but I'm alone. I sigh and take a sip of my water.

I glance at a group of girls near me. Without thinking, I begin listening in on their conversation.

"Is she new?"

"I think so..."

"She's all alone. Let's invite her to sit with us."

I glance over to see a girl with tan skin and dark wavy brown hair. She has light Carmel colored eyes. Another girl with light blue hair and hazel eyes then speaks up.

"But we know nothing about her."

"But we could!"

The blue haired girl then grabs the girl with the brown hair, and drags her off. I sigh and take another sip of water. Kitti munches on a strawberry. "Just go introduce yourself to someone!" She says, her mouth full of the fruit.

Just then three students walk up to me. Two girls and one boy. The first girl speaks up. She's a pretty black girl, with short curly black hair. She's wearing a white jean jacket, overtop of a pink v-neck shirt. I notice that the girl is wearing a light layer of eye shadow. "My name is Gwen. This is Becca, and James." Gwen gestures to the other two kids. Then Becca speaks up. "Do you want to eat lunch with us?"

I stutter a bit, surprised by how friendly these students were being. "Of course!" I quickly say, standing up. We walk over to a corner by a brick wall with two wooden benches, and a couple of potted plants scattered around. I sit down as James asks me a question. James is a red headed boy, with bright blue eyes, and rosy cheeks and a face splattered with freckles. He's wearing a red shirt with a video game superhero on it. "So what's your name?" He asks me, and I instantly stop staring.

"My name is (yn)! It's great to meet you guys. Thankyou for inviting me to sit here." I sincerely say.

"It's no problem. We enjoy meeting new students." Becca says, her blue eyes twinkling. Becca has short blonde hair cut into a bob with a single blue streak running through it. She's wearing a black and white striped shirt, and a kaki skirt. "So where are you originally from?"

"My family and I moved here from (your city)." I say, popping a green grape into my mouth.

"Really? A couple of my cousins live there!" Gwen says, her face lighting up.

"What a coincidence!" I chuckle.

"Oh! Let's exchange phone numbers!" Becca exclaims, showing me her phone number. I type it in, and Gwen and James do the same with their phones.

We talk and laugh the rest of the lunch period.

I smile to myself, happy to have made some new friends.

𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓛𝓲𝓮𝓼 (Chat Noir x Reader) -The Eye of the Black Cat Pt.2-Where stories live. Discover now