21. Rising Tensions

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You woke up in Taehyung's dorm room. He was still asleep, soft snores erupting from his nose. You pushed the hair from his face, when he wasn't awake, annoying or horny, he was actually quite cute. You reached for your jeans which were thrown in a pile on the floor. You searched through the pockets, looking for your phone, triumphantly pulling it out of the back pocket. You opened up your messages, quickly creating a group chat with all of the boys you had met so far at this school.

The group chat included Namjoon, the gorgeous boy who lived in your dorm block; Jimin, your small, annoying but very cute classmate; Yoongi, your sleepy but very affectionate classmate; Hoseok, who you had met through Yoongi but was the happiest angel ever; and Taehyung, the cocky boy you met last night, who was surprisingly good in bed. You typed out a message before pressing send.

Y/N: Hey guys, I made this group chat with all the friends I have made so far at this school. I was thinking we could all meet at the school cafeteria for lunch 💕
Namjoon: Morning Y/N, I'm free at lunch, count me in 😘
Y/N: Perfect, anyone gonna join us?
Yoongi: You woke me up, but yes, I'll be there.
Jimin: Oh you're gonna regret waking up Yoongi, he's scary when he's mad.
Namjoon: He's scary even when he isn't mad 🙃
Yoongi: That's rude 😒
Y/N: Stop arguing guys, I'll see you at lunch!
Hoseok: Can't wait to meet you all 😆🌈
Namjoon: Me neither
Y/N: I'll ask Taehyung if he wants to join us.
Yoongi: Who the fuck is Taehyung? 😤
Y/N: I met him last night but you guys will love him.
Hoseok: Yay! This is gonna be so fun 😝

You switched off your phone, placing it on the bedside table before rolling over towards Taehyung. You pressed a kiss to his jawline, then to his cheek, finally placing a soft kiss on the end of his nose. You watched as he slowly opened his eyes, smiling at you sleepily. "Good morning handsome," you smiled as he sat up, his bare chest visible to you. You tried not to drool at the sight of him but his lips suddenly latched onto yours. He kissed you passionately, lips sliding over yours with ease, his masculine scent invading your senses. He pulled away after a few seconds, connecting your foreheads. "Thank you for last night, I'll make sure to put a good word in with Mr Kim," Taehyung winked before climbing out of bed, revealing his butt naked, beautifully proportioned body.

Your eyes glided over his tanned honey skin, trailing down his shoulders and back and down to the crevice between his perfectly plump ass cheeks. He began pulling on clothes and you did the same, slipping on your uniform. "Hey Tae, you haven't checked your phone yet, but I was wondering if you wanted to join me and my other friends at lunch. They'll love you, and I would like to spend more time together," you asked whilst picking up your belongings. "Yeah that would be great Y/N!" He smiled, picking up his phone to look through the previous messages. "I'll see you later then?" You asked, waking over to him before wrapping your arms around his muscular body. "For sure, I can't wait babygirl," he smiled, holding you tightly one last time.

You left Taehyung's dormitory alone, slowly making your way to class. This morning you had an English lesson, followed by a chemistry class. English was bearable, but chemistry was just the worst. You spent half of the time alternating between doodling and drifting off into your creative imagination. The two hours of boredom finally came to an end and you gathered up your belongings, running out of the classroom to get away from the hellish class as quickly as possible.

You spotted Taehyung and Jimin stood by the lockers talking so you slowly approached them. "Hey guys, you both know each other?" You asked with a smile, wrapping your arms around both of them at once. "Yeah we have been friends for a while now, Taehyung kind of took me under his wing when I first moved here, he was my only friend back then," Jimin explained, taking your hand in his. "I still am your only friend," Taehyung laughed whilst taking your other hand.

You walked into the canteen, the bustling busy room which was filled with all kinds of amazing smells. Students walked to and from tables with plates of delicious snacks and meals. You looked around, spotting Yoongi and Hoseok sat at a round table in the corner of the room. You walked over, narrowly avoiding an older girl who nearly spilled curry on you.

"Hey guys!" You smiled, taking a seat next to Yoongi. His hand instantly moved to your thigh, caressing it gently. "Heya gorgeous," he smiled, pecking your lips softly as you let out a light laugh. Tae and Jimin took a seat opposite the three of you. "Hoseok and Yoongi, meet Taehyung and Jimin, and vice versa," you smiled, introducing the strangers to each other.

A pair of well built arms suddenly wrapped around you from behind as a gentle kiss was pressed to the top of your head. The boys' eyes darted to behind you as you also turned around to be met with the honey skinned, dimpled boy who you called your neighbor. "Hello beautiful, hey everyone!" Namjoon smiled, taking a seat next to you.

The other boys introduced themselves, however, Namjoon's eyes we're fixed onto something. Something that made his blood boil, as anger and jealously built up inside of him. You followed his eye line to your left thigh, where Yoongi's hand rested dangerously high on your leg. You gulped, remembering what Namjoon had previously said about Yoongi. You tried to push Yoongi's hand away, however, he was relentless. Every time you would push his hand off, he would place it on again, but even higher.

"Yoongi," Namjoon growled from beside you. Your head flicked between the two boys like you were watching a tennis match. "Can I have a word with you, now?" Namjoon purred so darkly, the anger evident in his eyes as he stood up from the table. Yoongi complied, also standing up as he followed Namjoon out of the cafeteria.

"What the hell was that all about?" Jimin asked, eyes wide and eyebrows arched. "I don't know, but Namjoon looked like he was ready to kill him," Hoseok whispered. You just looked down at your thigh where Yoongi's hand previously was. The warmth of his touch lingered on your leg as you savoured it for a few more moments. "I don't know," you sighed, standing up and also leaving the cafeteria, through the same door that the boys exited through.

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